Portraits in Polish Paintings

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Aberdam, Alfred"Self-Portrait"
Adamczyk, Piotr"Portrait of Agnieszka"
Adler, Jankel"Portrait of a Woman "
"Portrait of a Woman"
Ajdukiewicz, Thaddaus von"Archduke Charles Stephen of Austria-Teschen"
"Nubian Women"
"Portrait of a Caucasian Man"
"Portrait of a Society Lady (probably soprano Jozefine Reszke)"
"Portrait of Helena Modrzejewska"
Ajdukiewicz, Sigismund"Portrait of a Man"
"Portrait of Adolf Weisenberg"
Anthony, Justyna"Blue-Eyed"
Ascher, Georges"Self-Portrait"
Atteslander, Zofia"Portrait of a Lady"
Augustynowicz, Aleksander"Young Highlander"
Axentowicz, Teodor"Beautiful"
"Girl with a Fringe"
"Girl with a Pitcher"
"Peasant Girl"
"Portrait of a Woman"
"Portrait of a Woman in a Red Dress"
"Portrait of a Woman in a Turban"
"Portrait of a Young Woman"
"Portrait of a Young Woman"
"Portrait of a Young Woman"
"Portrait of an Old Man"
"Portrait of Frieda Moltzer"
"Portrait of Henrietta Fouquier"
"Red-Haired Girl"
"Self-Portrait with the Red-Haired Girl"
"Village Girl"
Andrzej Ansgary"Portrait of a Girl in a White Blouse"
"Portrait of Wincentyna Karska"
Aneri"Hanusia with Apple"
"Portrait of Zdzislaw Drobner"
Bacciarelli, Marcello"Portrait of a Noble Woman"
"Portrait of Albert Kazimierz Sasko-Cieszynski"
"Portrait of Apolonia Poniatowska née Ustrzycka with Her Son Stanislaw"
"Portrait of Izabella Lubomirska"
"Portrait of King Stanislaus Augustus"
"Portrait of King Stanislaus Augustus in a Coronation Costume"
"Portrait of King Stanislaus Augustus in a Plumed Hat"
"Portrait of King Stanislaus Augustus Poniatowski with an Hourglass"
"Stanislaus Augustus Poniatowski"
"Stanislaus Augustus, King of Poland"
Badowski, Adam"Portrait of a Lady in a Black Dress"
Bakalowicz, Stefan"Portrait of Albert Radziwill"
Bakalowicz, Ladislaus"Cardinal Richelieu"
"Portrait of a Lady in a Red Dress"
"Portrait of a Man"
"Young Woman (Jeune femme à l'éventail)"
"Young Woman (Jeune femme debout)"
Barbacki, Boleslaw"Nina Szafranowna"
"Portrait of a Boy"
"Zosia Swirska"
Benedyktowicz, Ludomir Ludwik Dominik"Portrait of an Old Man (Model)"
Benedyktowicz, Wanda"Portrait of Ludomir Benedyktowicz"
Benn, (Bencion Rabinowicz)"Woman with a Necklace"
Bereznicki, Kiejstut"Self-Portrait"
Berlewi, Henryk"Girl with a Cigarette"
"Portrait of the Artist's Mother"
Biegas, Boleslas"Portrait of a Man"
"Portrait of a Woman"
"Spherical Portrait"
Bielska-Tworkowska, Leokadia"Portrait of Adam Wazyk"
Bilinska-Bohdanowiczowa, Anna"Negress"
"Portrait of a Lady with Binoculars"
"Portrait of a Woman in Red Dress"
Blicharski, Jozef"Self-Portrait"
Blond (Maurice Blumenkrantz), Maurycy"Self-Portrait in Green"
Blonder, Sasza (Szaje)"Helenka (Artist's Daughter) with a Doll"
"Portrait of a Young Woman"
"Seated Woman"
"Woman with a Necklace"
Blyskosz, Jan"Portrait of Helena Radziszewska"
Boznanska, Olga"Amazon. Portrait of Iza Boznanska"
"Beared Man"
"Gypsy Woman"
"Italian Girl"
"Jadwiga Sapieha, née Sanguszko"
"Lady in a Hat with Flowers"
"Lady in an Armchair"
"Portrait of a Lady in a Brown Dress"
"Portrait of a Lady in a White Dress"
"Portrait of a Lady in Blue Dress"
"Portrait of a Little Lady"
"Portrait of a Man"
"Portrait of a Man"
"Portrait of a School Boy"
"Portrait of a Woman"
"Portrait of a Woman"
"Portrait of a Woman"
"Portrait of a Woman"
"Portrait of a Woman"
"Portrait of a Woman in a Red Hat"
"Portrait of a Woman in a Red Shawl"
"Portrait of a Woman in a Shawl"
"Portrait of a Woman in a White Dress"
"Portrait of a Woman in a White Hat"
"Portrait of a Young Woman"
"Portrait of a Young Woman"
"Portrait of a Young Woman in White"
"Portrait of Children"
"Portrait of Elza Kraus"
"Portrait of Gabriela Reval"
"Portrait of Georges Danysz"
"Portrait of Gertruda Dziewicka"
"Portrait of Helena Chmielarczykowa"
"Portrait of Helena Morsztyn"
"Portrait of Henryka Maria Kurnatowska"
"Portrait of Irena Serda-Zbigniewiczowa"
"Portrait of Iza Boznanska, the Artist's Sister"
"Portrait of Maria Siedlecka"
"Portrait of Mrs. Z"
"Portrait of Professor Jan Danysz"
"Portrait of Teodor Zgoda-Baranowski"
"Portrait of the Artist's Sister"
"Portrait of the Painter Antoni Kamienski"
"Portrait of the Pianist August Radwan"
"Portrait of Two Children on Steps"
"Portrait of Two Girls"
"Portrait of Two Girls - Helena and Wladyslawa Chmielarczyk"
"Portrait of Xawery Puslowski"
"Portrait of Zofia"
"Portrait of Zofia Kirkor"
"Portrait of Zygmunt Puslowski"
"Portrait with a Japanese Umbrella"
"Silver Shining Girl"
"Woman with a Dog on her Lap"
"Young Girl"
Brandt, Jozef"Portrait of Zenon Leski"
Brodowski, Antoni"Portrait of Aleksander Batowski"
"Portrait of Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz"
"Portrait of Karol Brodowski, the Artist's Brother"
Brun, Peter Le"Portrait of a Young Man"
Brygierski, Antoni"Portrait of Bishop Kajetan Soltyk"
"Portrait of Bishop Kajetan Soltyk"
Buchbinder, Szymon"Man in Brocade Attire"
"Portrait of a Bearded Man"
"Portrait of a Gentleman Wearing a Hat"
Bunsch, Adam"Portrait of a Young Woman"
Chelminski, Jan van"Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig"
"General John Pershing"
"Marshal Foch"
"Marshal Joffre"
Chelmonski, Jozef"Portrait of a Man"
Chlebowski, Stanislaus von"Sultan Abdülaziz"
Chmielowski, Adam"Girl with a Dog - Portrait of Wanda Chojecka"
"Girl with a Hat- Portrait of Janina Chojecka"
"Man with a Pipe. Portrait of Stanislaw Chmielowski"
"Portrait of Halina Chojecka"
Chojnicki, Jozef"Portrait of Antoni Bielski"
"Portrait of Tekla Bielska"
Chwistek, Leon"Portrait of the Artist's Wife"
"Portrait of Tytus Czyzewski"
Cichocki, Feliks"Jew"
Czachorski, Wladyslaw"Head of a Girl"
"Portrait of a Girl with Laurel Wreath"
"Portrait of a Woman in a Dress with Lacy Collar"
"Woman in a Black Hat"
Czacka, Beata"Portrait of Zofia Komorowska"
Czajkowski, Jozef"Self-Portrait"
Czapski, Joseph"Arnaud"
"Portrait of Witold Malcuzynski"
Czarnecki, Henryk"Portrait of Artist's Daughter Wanda"
Czechowicz, Szymon"Portrait of Jakub Florian Narzymski"
"Portrait of Jan Czapski"
"Portrait of Michal Jozef Massalski"
Czedekowski, Boleslaw Jan"Family Portrait"
Czyzewski, Tytus"Portrait of a Young Girl"
"Portrait of Magdalena Potworowska"
Dabrowska, Halina"Portrait of a Man"
Debicki, Stanislaw"Old man with a Pipe"
"Portrait of a Woman Reading a Newspaper"
Dobrowolski, Odo"Portrait of a Painter with a Skull"
Dolabella, Tommaso"Portrait of Stanislaw Teczynski"
Duda-Gracz, Jerzy"Portrait of Uhlan"
Dukszynska-Dukszta, Emilia"Portrait of a Girl"
"Portrait of Bavarian Woman"
Dunikowski, Xawery"Portrait of a Woman"
"Portrait of a Woman"
Eibisch, Eugeniusz"Girl in a Green Dress"
"Portrait of a Man"
"Portrait of a Woman"
Eisman-Semenowsky, Emile"Eastern Beauty"
"Gypsy Girl"
"Gypsy Girl, The"
"Maiden of Spring, The"
"Oriental Beauty"
"Oriental Woman"
"Portrait of a Lady in Green"
"Portrait of a Spanish Woman"
"Portrait of a Young Beauty"
"Portrait of a Young Lady in a Black Dress with a Sunflower"
"Tea Time"
"Young Beauty"
Eleszkiewicz, Stanislaw"Portrait of a Man"
"Portrait of a Woman"
"Portrait of a Young Man"
"Woman with Arms Crossed"
Eljasz-Radzikowski, Jan Kanty Walery"Jan Dlugosz"
Erb, Erno"Portrait of an Old Man"
Faczynski, Jerzy"Gen. Teofil Maresz"
"Girl Friends"
"Portrait of a Woman"
"Portrait of My Mother in Her Music Room"
Falat, Julian"Boy with an Elderberry Branch"
"Girl in an Orange Scarf"
"Head of a Boy"
"Portrait of Antoni Wodzicki"
"Portrait of Gabriela Zapolska"
"Portrait of the Painter Franciszek Ejsmond"
"Self-Portrait at the Desk"
"Self-Portrait in the Studio"
"Self-Portrait with a Palette"
"Tyrolean Man"
False, John"Portrait of a Girl with Brown Curly Hair"
"Portrait of Lady in Hat"
"Young Girl in Yellow and Green"
Fa³at, Antoni"Two Children with a Dog"
Faworski, Jozef"Portrait of Wiktoria Madalinska"
Finkelstein, Samuel"Self-Portrait"
Fortunski, Leon"Oriental Man with Turban"
"Portrait of a Farmer Girl"
Gadomski, Tadeusz"Portrait of a Highlander"
Geppert, Eugeniusz"Self-Portrait on Horseback"
Gerson, Wojciech"Porter of The Russian Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg"
"Portrait of Aniela Tiede"
"Portrait of Irena Poswikowna-Solska"
"Portrait of Jadwiga Strachocka"
"Portrait of Zygmunt Kislanski and Marcin Olszynski"
Gierymski, Aleksander"Rococo Dame"
Gladysz, Jan Krystian"Portrait of the Misses Pechwell at the Clavichord"
Golebiowski, Baltazar"Portrait of Jozefa Kochanowska"
Gorski, Stanislaw"Highland Girl"
"Highland Girl"
"Highland Girl"
"Highland Girl"
"Highland Girl"
"Portrait of a Peasant Girl"
"Shepherd with a Hat and a Pipe"
"Young Highland Girl"
"Young Highland Girl"
Gorynska, Wiktoria"Self-Portrait with Phone"
Gotlib, Henryk"Head Portrait"
"Portrait of a Lady in a Hat"
"Portrait of a Woman"
"Portrait Study of a Woman"
"Study of a Woman in a Hat"
"Two Children"
"Young Woman"
Gottlieb, Leopold"Portrait of a Boy"
"Portrait of a Man"
"Portrait of André Salmon"
"Portrait of Georges Bohn"
"Portrait of Lena"
Gottlieb, Maurycy"Artist's Sister, The"
"Portrait of a Man"
"Portrait of a Man with a Turkish Hat"
"Portrait of a Young Jewish Woman"
Grabowski, Andrzej"Portrait of Wincenty Rawski"
Grabowski, Wojciech"Portrait of a Girl"
Grassi (Grassy), Jozef"Portrait of Mary Cecilia Duchêne"
"Prince Jozef Poniatowski"
Grottger, Artur"Girl"
"Portrait of a Bearded Man"
"Portrait of a Girl"
"Portrait of a Girl with a Medallion"
"Portrait of Helena Kochanowska"
"Portrait of Jerzy Lubomirski"
"Portrait of Ludwika"
"Portrait of Maria Sawiczewska, Artist's Sister"
"Portrait of Rosalie Matylda Glaser"
"Portrait of Unknown Man"
"Portrait of Wincenty Bobrowski"
"Reading Elder"
Guranowski, Jozef"Portrait of a Man"
Gwozdecki, Gustaw"Alice Prin or Kiki de Montparnasse"
"Portrait of a Woman in a Black Dress"
"Portrait of a Woman with a Hat"
"Portrait of Kazimiera Felix"
Hadziewicz, Rafal"Count Ugolino"
"Portrait of Artist's Wife in a Wedding Dress"
"Portrait of Blazej Glowacki"
"Portrait of Michal Wiszniewski"
"Saint Cecilia or Polyhymnia"
Halicka, Alice"Louis de Gonzague Frick"
"Portrait of Fernand Fleuret Dessin"
Hannytkiewicz, Adam"Girl with an Umbrella"
Hanusz, Feliks"Portrait of a Girl in Pink Dress"
Hausnerowa, Maria"Portrait of a Girl"
Hofman, Vlastimil"Lady in Blue Blouse"
"Man in a Hat"
"Old Man"
"Old Man"
"Portrait of a Girl in a Red Hat"
"Portrait of a Girl with Asters"
"Portrait of a Man with a Rabbit"
"Portrait of Ada, the Artist's Wife"
"Portrait of an Old Man"
"Portrait of Kamil Hubert Roztworowski"
"Portrait of Kazimierz Bartoszewicz"
"Portrait of the Artist"
"Self-Portrait on Green Background"
"Self-Portrait with a Flower"
"Self-Portrait with a Girl"
"Study of a Bearded Man"
Hohermann, Alice"Young Woman with a Fan"
Horowitz, Leopold"Portrait of Leopold Kronenberg"
Hruzik, Jan Kanty"Portrait of Emilia Czarnowska"
Hrynkowski, Jan"Lady in a Hat (Portrait of Zofia Stremecka)"
"Lady with a Cigarette"
Ichnowski, Michal"Woman with a Bat"
Izdebski-Cruz, Krzysztof"Like van Gogh II"
"Portrait of a Boy"
"Portrait of a Man with Borrowed Muse"
"Portrait of a Woman"
"Portrait of Some Girl"
"S. J. Z. S."
"Sketch 69"
"To Be Like van Gogh"
"Triple Portrait of Julian"
"Woman with a Rose"
"Young European"
Jablonski, Marcin"Portrait of a Girl with a Book"
"Portrait of a Young Woman"
"Portrait of Leon Jablonski, the Son of the Artist"
"Tadeusz Kosciuszko"
Janowski, Stanislaw"Portrait of the Writer Gabriela Zapolska"
Jarocki, Wladyslaw"Portrait of an Old Highlander"
"Self-Portrait on Ski"
Jaxa-Malachowski, Soter"Self-Portrait"
Kaczor-Batowski, Stanislaw"Portrait of a Young Woman in a White Dress"
Kaleta, Dariusz"Head of the Elder"
Kamocki, Stanislaw"Self-Portrait"
Kanelba (Kanelbaum), Rajmund"Boy with a Persian Cat"
"Lady with Pearls"
"Little Boy"
"Portrait of a Child"
"Portrait of a Young Girl"
"Portrait of Suzanne"
"Veilled Woman"
Kanigowska, Alfonsa"Girl in a Green Top"
Kaplinski, Leon"Portrait"
"Portrait of Jan Dzialynski"
Karnicka Morstinowa, Sabina"Portrait of Children: Roman, Tadeusz and Henryk Morstin"
"Portrait of Tadeusz Morstin"
Karpinski, Alfons"Portrait of a Girl in White Dress"
"Portrait of a Lady in Hat"
"Portrait of a Woman"
"Portrait of a Woman in a Green Dress"
"Portrait of a Woman in Red Dress"
"Portrait of Elzbieta Kossak"
"Portrait of the Artist's Wife"
"Portrait with Asters"
Kasiewicz, Marcin"Kosciuszko on Horseback"
"Stefan Czarniecki on Horseback"
Kauzik (Kausik), Jan"Portrait of a Girl"
Kazimirowski, Eugeniusz"Portrait of a Woman"
Kibel, Wolf"Portrait of a Bearded Man"
"Portrait of Lippy Lipschitz"
Kijno, Wladyslaw"Bust of a Man"
Kisling, Moïse"Girl with Plaits"
"Gypsy Girl (La Bohémienne), The"
"Man with a Beard"
"Mme B. Dunn"
"Mona Luisa"
"Portrait of a Man in Red with a Pipe (M. Rapoport)"
"Portrait of a Woman"
"Portrait of a Young Boy"
"Portrait of a Young Woman"
"Portrait of a Young Woman"
"Portrait of a Young Woman"
"Portrait of a Young Woman with a Scarf"
"Portrait of Arthur Rubinstein"
"Portrait of Baltus"
"Portrait of Camille Rouvier"
"Portrait of Father Galli"
"Portrait of Jean Cocteau"
"Portrait of Jone Allison-Barnes"
"Portrait of Renee Kisling"
"Provençal Woman (the mother of Renée Kisling)"
"Red Haired Woman"
"Redhead Girl"
"Young Dutchwoman (La jeune hollandaise)"
"Young Girl with Long Hair"
"Young Woman with Curly Hair"
Kober, Marcin"Portrait of King Stephen Bathory"
"Portrait of the Queen Anna Jagiellon"
Kochanowski, Roman"Landscape"
"Portrait of a Girl"
Kolnik, Arthur"Pensive Man"
Kossak, Wojciech"Amazon - Portrait of Maria Zandbang"
"Girl with a Dog"
"Pilsudski on Horseback"
"Portrait of a Man"
"Portrait of Captain Antoni Dudzinski"
"Portrait of Marshall Jozef Pilsudski"
"Portrait of Mrs. Moszczenska"
"Portrait of the Artist's Wife"
Kossak, Juliusz"Equestrian Portrait of Aleksander Tykiel"
"Equestrian Portrait of Dunin-Borkowski"
"Equestrian Portrait of Lubienskis"
"Konstanty Branicki and Cohen on Horsebacks"
"Portrai of Count Adam Potocki"
"Portrait of a Man on Horseback"
"Portrait of Prince Jozef on Horseback"
Kotarbinski, Janusz"Portrait of a Girl"
"Portrait of a Mountainer"
Kotowicz, Apolinary Stanislaw"Portrait"
"Portrait of a Young Girl"
Kotowski, Damazy"Portrait of Jan Kasprowicz"
Kotsis, Aleksander"Old Highlander"
"Portrait of a Boy"
"Portrait of a Man - Insurgent"
"Portrait of a Young Lady"
"Portrait of the Painter Jozefina Geppert"
Kowarski, Felicjan Szczesny"Portrait of a Jewess"
"Portrait of Artist's Wife"
Kozakiewicz, Antoni"Portrait od a Man"
Kozlowski, Wladyslaw"Portrait of the Artist’s Wife"
Krafft the Elder, Per"Portrait of Ignacy Krasicki"
"Portrait of the King Stanislaus Augustus"
Kramsztyk, Roman"Lady with a Squirrel"
"Man Eating Crayfishes (Portrait of Karol Szustr)"
"Music Teacher"
"Portrait of a Man with a Moustache"
"Portrait of Adolph Basler"
"Portrait of Aleksander Zyw"
"Portrait of Janina Karlenska"
"Portrait of Jozef Reinfeld"
"Portrait of Moise Kisling"
"Portrait of the Actress Maria Stronska"
"Portrait of the Poet Jan Lechon"
"Self-Portrait with a Pipe"
"Sketch for a Portrait of Jan Lechon"
Krasnowolski, Jozef"Portrait of the Artist's Wife in Cracovian Costume"
Kraszewska, Otolia"Elegant Lady Sitting on a Sofa (Elegante Dame auf Sofa sitzend)"
Kraszewski, Jozef Ignacy"Eastern Portrait"
Kretz, Leopold"Portrait"
Krynicki, Nikifor"Couple"
"Portrait of a Man"
"Portrait of a Man"
"Portrait of a Woman"
"Portrait of Andrzej Banach"
"Portrait of Ella and Andrzej Banach"
"Portrait of Ella Banach"
Krzyzanowski, Konrad"Portrait of a Lady"
"Portrait of a Woman"
"Portrait of a Woman with a Cigarette"
"Portrait of Bronislawa Ostrowska"
"Portrait of Emil Zygadlowicz"
"Portrait of Jozef Pilsudski"
"Portrait of Matylda Szednicka"
"Portrait of Mrs B."
"Portrait of Pelagia Witoslawska"
"Portrait of Roman Laskowski"
"Portrait of the Sergeant"
"Study for Portrait of Artist's Wife"
"Woman in Red..."
Kulon, Franciszek C."Girl"
Kwiatkowski, Kazimierz"Portrait of Karol Wyrwicz with Masks"
Kwiatkowski, Teofil"Chopin at his Death Bed"
"Portrait of a Man"
Lampi, Franciszek Ksawery"Girl with a Book (Mädchen mit Buch)"
"Portrait of a Woman"
"Portrait of Magdalena Luszczewska"
Lampi the Elder, Johann-Baptist"Alois Wenzel von Kaunitz-Rietberg"
"Painter Studying his Work"
"Portrait of a Lady with Music"
"Portrait of a Man"
"Portrait of Catherine II"
"Portrait of Catherine II"
"Portrait of El¿bieta Grabowska"
"Portrait of Jakow Efimowicz Sivers"
"Portrait of King Stanislaus Augustus Poniatowski"
"Portrait of Prince Bezborodko A.A."
"Portrait of Prince G. A. Potyomkin-Tavrichesky"
"Portrait of Vasilii Stepanovich Popov"
"Portrait of Yekaterina Samoilova"
"Wladyslaw Gurowski"
"Zarin Maria Fjodorowna"
Lampi the Younger, Johann Baptist von"Portrait of Jerzy Szczesny Potocki"
Landau, Zygmunt"Portrait of a Woman"
Lasocki, Ignacy"Portrait of a Doctor"
Laveaux, Ludwik de"Girl from Bronowice"
"Marysia (Portrait of Maria Mikolajczyk, the Artist's Fiancee)"
"Self-Portrait with a Palette"
Lech, Ryszard"Self-Portrait"
Lempicka, Tamara de"Figure of a Young Woman"
"Girl with White Shawl"
"Kizette on the Balcony"
"Portrait de La Duchesse de la Salle"
"Portrait of Louisanne"
"Portrait of Madame M."
"Portrait of Mrs. M."
"Portrait of Prince Eristoff"
"Saint Anthony"
"Self-Portrait in the Green Bugatti"
"Study for the Portrait of the Grand Duke (IIEtude pour le Portrait du Grand Duc II)"
Lentz, Stanislaw"Portrait of Konstanty Radkiewicz"
"Portrait of Mrs. G."
"Portrait of Mrs. Karpinska"
Lepkowski, Ludwik"Child in an Armchair"
Leski, Zenon"Portrait of a Man"
Lesseur, Wincenty de"King Stanislaus Augustus"
"Prince Jozef Poniatowski"
"Tekla Czaplic Princess Jablonowska"
Lewkowicz, Leon"Jewish Boy"
"Portrait of a Boy"
"Portrait of a Girl with Braids"
Librowicz, Catherine"Boy with Red Collar"
Lille, Ludwik"Self-Portrait"
Lipinski, Hipolit"Farmer with Pipe"
"Polish Rural Folk - Girl in Sunday Dress"
Lisek, Kamil"Untitled"
Loeffler, Leopold"Portrait of Maria Sawiczewska"
Lubieniecki, Christoffel"Portrait of a Man"
"Portrait of a Man with a Book"
"Portrait of a Woman"
"Portrait of Daniel Willinck"
Lubieniecki, Theodor"Family Portrait"
"Portrait of a Man of Science"
Lukaszewicz, Tadeusz"Portrait of a Dark Haired Girl"
"Portrait of a Young Man"
Machalski, Ludwik"Portrait of a Boy"
Macznik, Jacob"Self-Portrait"
Makowski, Tadeusz"Girl in a Beret"
"Girl in a White Hat"
"Little Parisian Girl"
"Portrait of a Little Boy"
"Portrait of a Man with Pipes"
"Self-Portrait with a Palette and a Bird"
Malczewski, Jacek"Edward Raczynski"
"In the Garden"
"Little Gardener - Portrait of Rudolf Dobrzanski, son of Piotr, The"
"My Portrait"
"Nude Male Study"
"One Song"
"Polish Hamlet. Portrait of Aleksander Wielopolski"
"Portrait in Autumn Sunshine"
"Portrait of a Lady Against a Background of Reeds"
"Portrait of a Lady in a Hat"
"Portrait of a Man"
"Portrait of a Man"
"Portrait of a Man"
"Portrait of a Man Reading"
"Portrait of a Man with a Cello"
"Portrait of a Woman"
"Portrait of a Woman as Salome"
"Portrait of a Young Woman"
"Portrait of Actress P. Marcello"
"Portrait of Adam Asnyk with Muse"
"Portrait of an Officer"
"Portrait of Artist's Daughter Julia Meyzner"
"Portrait of Artist's Son Rafal"
"Portrait of Franciszek Siedlecki"
"Portrait of Helena Karczewska, the Artist's Sister"
"Portrait of His Son Rafal in a Cycling Cap"
"Portrait of Ignacy Bobrowski"
"Portrait of Jan Franciszek Konopka"
"Portrait of Jozef Krupinski"
"Portrait of Karol and Malgorzata Lanckoronski"
"Portrait of Karolina and Adelajda Lanckoronska"
"Portrait of Kazimierz Bartoszewicz"
"Portrait of Kazimierz Pochwalski"
"Portrait of Kazimierz Pochwalski"
"Portrait of Leon Pininski"
"Portrait of Leon Pininski"
"Portrait of Leon Pininski"
"Portrait of Leontyna Gogulska"
"Portrait of Ludwik Zelenski"
"Portrait of Marchese Guilia Asinari Di Bernezzo, wife of Witold Hausner"
"Portrait of Matylda Modesta Wolfarth"
"Portrait of Michal Sozanski"
"Portrait of Michalina Wierusz Kowalska-Grabowska"
"Portrait of Mieczyslaw Gasecki with Harvest Woman"
"Portrait of Piotr Dobrzanski"
"Portrait of Piotr Dobrzanski in the Garden"
"Portrait of Piotr Dobrzanski with the Artist's Self-Caricature"
"Portrait of Rafal, the Artist's Son"
"Portrait of Stanislaw Bryniarski"
"Portrait of Stanislaw Witkiewicz"
"Portrait of Tadeusz Boracz"
"Portrait of the Artist's Mother"
"Portrait of the Artist's Son Rafal"
"Portrait of the Artist's Wife with Two Fauns"
"Portrait of the Painter Heinrich von Angeli"
"Portrait of the Painter Jozef Karmanski"
"Portrait of Two Young Men"
"Portrait of Waclaw Karczewski"
"Portrait of Witold Hausner"
"Portrait of Wojciech Kossak with Bellona"
"Portrait of Wojciech Kossak with Bellona"
"Self-Portrait in a Studio"
"Self-Portrait in Armour"
"Self-Portrait in Armour"
"Self-Portrait in White Attire"
"Self-Portrait with a Dance Pageant"
"Self-Portrait with a Hyacinth"
"Self-Portrait with a Palette"
"Self-Portrait with a Woman"
"Self-Portrait with an Apple-Tree Flower"
"Self-Portrait with an Easter Egg"
"Self-Portrait with Death"
"Self-Portrait with Erynia"
"Self-Portrait with Fauns. Triptych"
"Self-Portrait with Gorgons"
"Self-Portrait with Mieczyslaw Gasecki"
"Self-Portrait with Muse"
"Self-Portrait with Muse"
"Self-Portrait with Muse Holding Sceptre and Orb"
"Self-Portrait with Thanatos"
"Self-Portrait with Thistle Flower"
"Self-Portrait. Vision"
"Sketch for the Portrait of a Girl"
"Sketch for the Portrait of a Man"
"Study for the Portrait of Piotr Dobrzanski"
"Tobias - Portrait of Ligeza"
"Tryptych with Self-Portrait"
"Ukrainian Woman"
"Woman Carrying a Child"
Malczewski, Rafal"Portrait of a Man in a Hat (Portrait of the Artist's Father)"
"Portrait of a Woman"
"Portrait of Jacek Malczewski"
"Portrait of Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz"
"Portrait of the Artist's Father"
Maleszewski, Tytus"Portrait of a Woman with a Rose in Her Hair"
"Portrait of Adelina Patti"
"Violin Player, The"
Marcoussis (Ludwik Markus), Louis"Portrait of Max Jacob"
Markiel, Jakub"Portrait of a Woman on the Green Background"
Marszalkiewicz, Stanislaw"Portrait of General Fiodor Nesselrode"
"Portrait of Jozefa Dobrzanska"
"Portrait of Pelagia Skarbek née Rutkowska"
"Portrait of Princess Golitsyna"
Maszkowski, Jan"Portrait of Jozef Maksymilian Ossolinski"
"Portrait of Marceli Maszkowski"
Maszkowski, Marceli"Portrait of Artist's Mother"
Matejko, Jan"Artist's Children"
"Bishop Piotr Gamrat, The"
"Portrait of Alfred Potocki"
"Portrait of Artist's Children"
"Portrait of Artist's Wife in a Wedding Dress"
"Portrait of Artur Potocki"
"Portrait of Carol Gilewski"
"Portrait of Franciszek Matejko"
"Portrait of Jozef Ciechonski"
"Portrait of Jozef Szujski"
"Portrait of Katarzyna Potocka"
"Portrait of Leonard Serafinski"
"Portrait of Leonard Serafinski"
"Portrait of Marcelina Czartoryska"
"Portrait of Maria Matejko"
"Portrait of Maria Puslowska"
"Portrait of Mikolaj Zyblikiewicz"
"Portrait of Miss Dybowska"
"Portrait of Piotr Moszynski"
"Portrait of Stanislaw Tarnowski"
"Portrait of the Artist's Daughter Beata with a Canary"
"Portrait of the Artist's Son on Horseback"
Medrzycki, Maurycy"Portrait of a Sitting Woman"
Mehoffer, Jozef"Black Mary"
"Florentine Portrait of the Artist's Wife, The"
"Girl Braiding Her Hair"
"Highland Girl"
"Portrait of a Man"
"Portrait of Alexandre Dejean"
"Portrait of Artist's Wife"
"Portrait of Celina Sarowa"
"Portrait of Dr Adam Rydel"
"Portrait of Feliks Jasienski"
"Portrait of Helena d'Abancourt de Franqueville"
"Portrait of Irena Solska"
"Portrait of Iza Axentwicz"
"Portrait of Jan Hoplinski"
"Portrait of Jozef Sare, Deputy Mayor of Cracow"
"Portrait of Karol Hubert Rostworowski"
"Portrait of Lieutenant Kazimierz Mlodzianowski"
"Portrait of Maksymilian Ehrenpreis"
"Portrait of Maria Puslowska née Moszynska"
"Portrait of Marshall Jozef Pilsudski"
"Portrait of Roza Raczynska née Potocka"
"Portrait of the Artist's Wife"
"Portrait of the Artist's Wife"
"Portrait of the Artist's Wife en pied"
"Portrait of the Artist's Wife on Yellow Background"
"Portrait of the Artist's Wife with Pegasus"
"Portrait of the Artist's Wife with Pegasus"
Menkes, Sigmund Joseph"Girl with Sunflowers"
"Portrait of a Girl"
"Portrait of a Girl with Flowers"
"Portrait of a Woman"
"Portrait of Erich Cohn"
"Self-Portrait as a Mountaineer"
"Two Sisters"
"Woman in a Red Hat"
Merkel, Georges"Portrait of a Man"
Merwart, Paul"Portrait de Mlle L.C."
"Portrait of Ralph Modjeski, Dressed as a Polish Mountaineer"
Michalowski, Piotr"Amazon (Artist's Daughter Celina Michalowska)"
"Artist's Son on a Donkey, The"
"Artist's Son on a Pony, The"
"Napoleon on Horseback"
"Napoleon on Horseback"
"Portrait of a Man"
"Portrait of a Peasant in a Hat"
"Portrait of a Woman"
"Portrait of Maksymilian Oborski"
"Portrait of Maria Michalowska"
"Portrait of the Artist's Daughter Celina on Horseback"
"Portrait of the Artist's Son with a Dog"
"Rural Boy"
"Rural Elder"
"Stefan Czarnecki on Horseback"
"Stefan Czarniecki on Horseback"
Mielnicki, Franciszek"Krystyna Knedler née Fiszer"
Mierzejewski, Jacek"Andrew and Apples"
"Portrait of the Artist's Wife with Pusia"
Mikulski, Kazimierz"Self-Portrait"
Milwitz, Bartolomeus"Coronation Portrait of Ladislaus IV Vasa"
Mirys, Augustyn"Portrait of a Poet Kajetan Wegierski"
Misiowski, Antoni Jozef"Portrait of Aleksander Maczynski"
"Portrait of Alexander Jan Jablonowski"
"Portrait of Franciszek Wielopolski Gonzaga-Myszkowski"
Misky, Ludwik"Self-Portrait"
Mlodozeniec, Stanislaw"Dali"
"Golden Age"
"Louis Armstrong"
"Miles Davis"
Mniszech, Andrzej Jerzy de"Portrait of Geisha"
"Portrait of Samurai"
Mondzain (Szamaj Mondszajn), Simon"Girl with a Necklace"
"Portrait of a Young Woman"
Moszkowicz, Symcho"Portrait of a Man"
Muter (Maria Melania Mutermilch), Mela"Girl"
"Girl in a Red Blouse"
"Old Man with Pipe "
"Portrait of a Blonde Woman"
"Portrait of a Man"
"Portrait of a Man in Glasses"
"Portrait of a Man in Glasses"
"Portrait of a Young Woman"
"Woman with Fur Collar"
"Writer Georg Polti, The"
Myslowski, Tadeusz"New York Faces"
Nacht Samborski, Artur"Man in a Bowler Hat"
"Portrait of a Woman"
"Portrait of a Woman"
Niesiolowski, Tymon"Dorothy - Portrait of the Artist's Daughter"
"Fictious Portrait"
Norblin, Stefan"Portrait of Jan Wedel"
Norblin de la Gourdaine, Jean Pierre"Portrait of a capitaine du 1er regiment des chasseurs-a-cheval, decorated with the Knight’s Cross of the French Légion d'honneur"
Nowosielski, Jerzy"Double Portrait"
"Portrait of a Girl with Sunglasses"
"Portrait of a Man"
"Portrait of a Woman"
"Portrait of a Woman"
Oborski, Aleksander"Head of Cossack"
Okon, Tadeusz"Girl"
Okun, Edward"Country Woman from Campania"
"Portrait of Baroness Frewert"
"Portrait of Mrs Herse"
"Portrait of the Artist's Wife with an Umbrella"
"Portrait of Zofia. the Artist's Wife"
Oleszczyñski, Antoni"Portrait of Stanislaw Leszczynski"
Oleszkiewicz, Jozef (Joseph)"Portrait of a Woman"
"Portrait of a Young Lady"
"Portrait of a Young Woman and her Daughter"
"Portrait of Mikhail Kutuzov (Golenishchev-Kutuzov, Prince of Smolensk)"
Olexinski (Oleksinski), Franciszek Ksawery"Portrait of the Painter Henryk Zabiello"
Olowska, Paulina"Untitled (Dustin Hoffman)"
Olpinski, Jan Kazimierz"Portrait of a Girl"
"Portrait of a Woman"
Orlowski, Aleksander"Head of an Elder in a Fur Hat"
"Portrait of a Ballet Dancer Luis-Antoin Duport"
"Portrait of a Bearded Man"
"Portrait of a Brigand"
"Portrait of a Cabman"
"Portrait of a Girl"
"Portrait of a Lady"
"Portrait of a Negro, Orlowski's Servant"
"Portrait of a Woman"
"Portrait of A. M. Lanskaya"
"Portrait of A. P. Lanskoy"
"Portrait of an Italian Composer Muzio Clementi"
"Portrait of Artamon Denisov"
"Portrait of Denis Davydov"
"Portrait of Ivan Krylov"
"Portrait of Petr Shalikov"
"Portrait of the Architect Giacomo Quarenghi"
"Prince Jozef Antoni Poniatowski"
"Reiter in a Black Hat with a White Feather"
"Self-Portrait with a Pipe"
"Tadeusz Kosciuszko"
Orlowski, Lukasz"Portrait of Urszula née Potocka Wielopolska"
Palloni, Michelangelo"Portrait of Jan Dobrogost Krasinski"
Panek, Jerzy"Self-Portrait"
Pankiewicz, Jozef"Girl in a Red Dress (Portrait of Jozefa Oderfeld)"
"Portrait of a Boy"
"Portrait of Adam Maksymilian Oderfeld"
"Portrait of Feliks Jasienski"
"Portrait of Henryk Jasienski as a Child"
"Portrait of Madame Marthe Bonnard"
"Portrait of Maria Prochaska"
"Portrait of Mrs Oderfeld with her Daughter"
"Portrait of the Artist's Mother"
"Portrait of the Artist's Wife in a Green Sweater"
"Portrait of Wanda Kulakowska"
"Portrait of Wojciech Biesiadecki"
"Self-Portrait in a Hat"
"Self-Portrait in a Sweater"
Papier, Zofia"Noe"
Papieski, Zygmunt"Turkish Woman"
Pautsch, Fryderyk"Beggar"
"Portrait of a Woman with Child"
"Portrait of Karol Frycz"
"Portrait of Mrs. A."
"Young Mountainer"
Peske, Jan Miroslaw"Portrait of a Girl"
"Portrait of a Woman"
Peszka, Jozef"Portrait of Franciszek Smuglewicz"
"Portrait of Stanislaw Kublicki"
"Portrait of the Borch Family"
Piatkowski, Henryk"Woman in Red"
Pichor, Stanislaw"Portrait of a Girl"
Pigulski, Jozef Mateusz"Portrait of Michal Tadeusz Morykoni"
Pilarski, Paul"Portrait of a Woman"
Pilichowski, Leopold"Portrait of a Lady"
Pitschmann, Joseph"Portrait of Joachim Tarnowski"
"Portrait of Jozef Komorowski"
"Portrait of the King Stanislaus Augustus"
Plonowska, Maria"Portrait of Maria Legowiak"
Pochwalski, Kasper"Girl in a Blue Dress"
"Girl in a Green Blouse"
"Girl Sitting in an Armchair"
"Portrait of a Mother with Her Daughter"
"Portrait of a Woman with a Child"
"Portrait of Barbara Pochwalska"
"Portrait of Katarzyna Wroblewska née Fuglewicz, the Artist's Niece"
"Portrait of the Artist's Mother"
"Portrait of the Artist's Mother with a Cat"
Pochwalski, Kazimierz"Girl with a Puppet"
"Peasant Woman"
"Portrait of a Blonde Child"
"Portrait of a Man in Glasses"
"Portrait of Henryk Sienkiewicz"
"Portrait of Henryk Sienkiewicz"
"Portrait of Paul Kupelwieser"
"Portrait of Pawel Popiel"
"Portrait of Raimund Grübl"
"Portrait of Theodor Herzl"
Podgorski, Edward"Self-Portrait"
Podkowinski, Wladyslaw"Portrait of a Girl in a White Blouse"
"Portrait of Wincentyna Karska"
Polack, Jan"Portrait of a Benedictine Abbot"
Popiel, Thaddaus"Portrait of a Young Woman"
Potworowski, Piotr"Portrait of Two Women (Artist's Wife Doreen Heaton-Potworowska and Teresa Pagowska)"
Pronaszko, Andrzej"Portrait of the Artist's Wife"
Pronaszko, Zbigniew"Artist's Wife at a Piano"
"Family Portrait"
"Portrait of a Man with a Top Hat"
"Portrait of Ludwik Serwin"
"Portrait of the Artist's Wife"
"Portrait of the Artist's Wife"
"Portrait of the Artist's Wife with a Puppet"
"Portrait of the Sculptor Leopold Wasilkowski (Portrait of an Architect)"
"Portrait of Two Children"
Pruszkowski, Witold"Artist's Son with a Dog"
"Portrait of Kazimierz Bartoszewicz"
Pruszkowski, Tadeusz"Portrait of a Young Woman"
"Portrait of the Artist's Wife"
"Self-Portrait with a Pipe"
Przybyla, Marek"Portrait of a Woman"
Raczynski, Aleksander"Self-Portrait"
Rapacki, Jozef"Portrait of a Young Lady"
Rauchinger, Heinrich"Portrait of a Man"
Reichan, Alojzy"Portrait of a Girl"
"Portrait of a Young Lady"
"Portrait of Helena Matzel née Wroczyner"
Rejchan, Jozef"Lady in a White Dress (Julia Wodzicka?)"
Rodakowski, Henryk"Forester Gregorcio"
"Inn Tenant"
"Portrait of Adam Mickiewicz"
"Portrait of General Henryk Dembinski"
"Portrait of Jules Holtzapffl"
"Portrait of Leon Sapieha"
"Portrait of the Artist's Aunt Babetta Singer"
"Portrait of the Artist's Brother Maksymilian"
"Portrait of the Artist's Father"
"Portrait of the Artist's Mother"
"Portrait of the Artist's Sister Wanda"
"Portrait of the Artist's Stepdaughter, Leonia Blühdorn"
"Portrait of Wiktor Rodakowski"
"Portrait of Zofia Dzieduszycka"
"Portrait of Zofia Kossak"
"Self-Portrait at the Easel"
"Stable Boy Josio"
"Vogt Nykola"
"Wlodzimierz Dzieduszycki"
Rosen, Jan"General Dabrowski"
Rostworowski, Stanislaw"Portrait of a Man"
Rusiecki, Kanuty"Zaremba"
Rustem, Jan"Jan Sniadecki"
"Portrait of Krystyna Frank née Gerhard"
"Portrait of Maria Mirska, Barbara Szumska and Adam Napoleon Mirski"
Rychter-Janowska, Bronislawa"Portrait of a Child"
"Portrait of a Woman in a Hat"
"Portrait of Matylda Janowska (the Artist's Daughter)"
Rzepinski, Czeslaw"Portrait of a Girl"
"Portrait of a Girl"
"Portrait of a Woman"
"Portrait of a Woman"
Samostrzelnik, Stanislaw"Portrait of Piotr Tomicki"
Schultz, Daniel"Family Portrait"
"King John Casimir II in Polish Costume, The"
"Portrait of King John Casimir"
"Portrait of Konstancja von Holten Schumann"
"Portrait of Stanislaw Krasinski"
"Portrait of the Queen of Poland Marie Louise Gonzaga de Nevers"
"Portrait of Wincenty Gosiewski"
Schulz, Bruno"Self-Portrait at the Drawing Board"
Segal, Simon"Brothers"
"Portrait of Gisele"
Sidorowicz, Zygmunt"Portrait of a Woman"
"Portrait of a Woman in a Blue Shawl"
Siemiginowski-Eleuter (Szymonowicz), Jerzy"John III at the Battle of Vienna"
"King of Poland - John III Sobieski, The"
"Portrait of Queen Maria Kazimiera with Children"
Siemiradzki, Henryk"Boy from the Sabine Hills"
"Gypsy Woman"
"Man in Profile"
"Portrait of a Roman Woman"
"Portrait of a Roman Woman"
"Portrait of a Young Italian Woman"
"Portrait of a Young Woman"
"Portrait of Aleksander Stankiewicz"
"Portrait of the Artist's Father"
"Portrait of the Artist's Mother"
"Princess Marie Lubomirska"
"Study for a Portrait - Head of a Girl"
Sienicki, Jacek"Portrait of a Man"
Silvestre, Louis de"Portrait of Augustus III, the King of Poland"
Simmler, Jozef"Nobleman with a Parrot"
"Portrait of Emilia Wlodkowska"
"Portrait of Julia Simmler"
"Portrait of Mary Rosa and Rosa Mary Caroline Kronenberg with a Dog"
"Portrait of Mr Genelli"
Skoczylas, Wladyslaw"Portrait of a Girl in a Red Sweater"
Slendzinski, Ludomir"Family Portrait with the Dog"
"Portrait of a Lady with a Necklace"
"Portrait of a Man"
"Portrait of Antoni Czechowicz"
"Portrait of Artist's Mother"
"Portrait of Artist's Wife on the Background of Vilnius"
"Portrait of Irena, the Artist's Wife"
"Portrait of Jadwiga Grobicka"
"Portrait of Janina Grobicka"
"Portrait of Leonardo da Vinci"
"Portrait of Lucyna Grobicka"
"Portrait of My Daughter Julitta. Queen of Clubs"
"Portrait of Stanislaw Lorentz"
"Portrait of the Artist's Daughter"
"Portrait of the Artist's Daughter in Spanish Shawl"
"Portrait of the Artist's Daughter with a Powder-Box"
"Portrait of the Artist's Daughter, Julitta"
"Portrait of the Artist's Daughter, Julitta"
"Portrait of the Artist's Daughter, Julitta"
"Portrait of the Woman (Jadwiga Kontkiewiczowa)"
"Portrait of the Woman (Jadwiga Kontkiewiczowa)"
"Portrait of Wife with a Wedding Ring"
"Self-Portrait on the Background of Vilnius"
Slendzinski, Wincenty"Portrait of Roza Wereszczynska Misiewiczowa"
Slendzinski, Aleksander"Portrait of Karolina Slendzinska"
Slewinski, Wladyslaw"Old Breton Woman"
"Orphan from Poronin, The"
"Portrait of a Young Fisherman"
"Self-Portrait in a Breton Hat"
"Self-Portrait in a Straw Hat"
"Young Fisherman from Doëlan"
Smuglewicz, Franciszek"Portrait of Prozor Family"
Sobocki, Leszek"Self-Portrait. Aureola"
Spiegel (Szpigel or Szpiegel), Natan"Boy - Study for the Portrait"
Spitzer, Walter"Young Man from Moissac (Jeune homme de Moissac)"
Stabrowski, Kazimierz"Against a Background of Stained Glass Window. Peacock"
"Portrait of Julia, the Artist's Wife"
"Portrait of the Artist's Fiancée"
Stachiewicz, Piotr"Beautiful Sophia"
"Girl in a Cracovian Folk Costume"
"Girl in a Folk Costume"
"Portrait of a Woman in a Red Dress, The"
"Portrait of Sarah Bernard"
"Portrait of Sarah Bernhardt"
"Portrait of Young Woman"
Stachowicz, Michal"Jan Pawel Woronicz, primate of Kingdom of Poland (1828-1829)"
"Kosciuszko on Horseback"
Stasiak, Ludwik"Self-Portrait"
Stattler, Wojciech Korneli"Portrait of Alfred and Adam Potocki"
Strobel, Bartholomäus"Jerzy Ossolinski"
"Portrait of Wilhelm Orsetti"
"Wladyslaw Dominik Zaslawski-Ostrogski, Voivode of Cracow"
Styka, Jan"Jesus Christ"
"King John III Sobieski"
"Portrait of a Girl"
"Portrait of Leo Tolstoj"
"Portrait of Petöfi"
Styka, Adam"Arab"
"Arab's Head"
"Head of an Arab of El Oued"
"Impoverished Elder"
Styka, Tadé"La Polonaise"
"Portrait of a Girl"
"Portrait of a Lady"
"Portrait of a Lady"
"Portrait of a Lady with a Black Dog"
"Portrait of a Woman"
"Portrait of a Woman"
"Portrait of a Woman (Portrait de Femme)"
"Portrait of a Young Lady"
"Portrait of Adam Styka"
"Portrait of Adam Styka in the Haller's Army Uniform"
"Portrait of Beatrice Hahn Troy "
"Portrait of Clara C. Gabrilovisch"
"Portrait of Jan Styka"
"Portrait of Louis de Meurville"
"Portrait of Pola Negri"
"Portrait of Woman with Green Eyes"
Suchodolski, Zdzislaw"Portrait of a Woman"
Szankowski, Boleslaw"Butterfly - Portrait of the Artist's Daughter"
"Girl with Flowers"
"Portrait of a Lady with a Flower"
"Portrait of a Lady with Tulle Shawl"
"Portrait of a Woman"
"Portrait of Jozef Brandt"
"Portrait of the Artist's Daughter"
"Portrait of Two Ladies"
"Spanish Woman"
Szczuka, Mieczyslaw"Self-Portrait with a Palette"
Szmaj, Stefan"Self-Portrait II"
Szmyt, Karol"Portrait of Stefan Zeromski"
Szpingier, Zygmunt"Portrait of a Woman"
Szwedkowski, Jan Kanty"Portrait of a Woman"
Szymanowski, Waclaw"Peasant"
Szyndler, Pantaleon"Girl in a Blue Dress"
"Portrait of Cyprian Kamil Norwid"
Tallmann, Antoni"Portrait of Izabela Branicka"
"Portrait of Jan Klemens Branicki"
Taranczewski, Waclaw"Portrait of Karol Zolich"
Tarnowska, Waleria"Portrait of Zofia Zamoyska née Czartoryska"
Tepa (Teppa), Franciszek"Portrait of Adam Mickiewicz"
"Portrait of Adam Potocki"
Terlikowski, Wlodzimierz"Arab Woman"
"Portrait of a Child"
"Portrait of a Man"
"Portrait of a Woman"
"Portrait of a Woman"
Tetmajer, Wlodzimierz"Achievements (the Artist's Family)"
Tokarski, Mateusz"Portrait of Primate Michal Poniatowski with a Plan of Jablonna Palace in his Hand"
Topolski, Feliks"Potrait of a Bearded Gentleman"
Trebacz, Maurycy"Portrait of a Girl"
"Portrait of an Old Jew"
Trojanowski, Wincenty"Lute Player"
Turbia-Krzysztalowicz, Stanislaw"Portrait of the Artist's Wife"
Unknown Painter, "Benedict of Kozmin"
"Coffin Portrait of a Nobleman"
"Coffin Portrait of a Woman"
"Coffin Portrait of Anna Stetkiewiczowa"
"Coffin Portrait of Domicella Barbara"
"Coffin Portrait of Jan Gniewosz (d. c. 1700)"
"Coffin Portrait of Nobleman from the Region of Gostyn"
"Coffin Portrait of Sabina Hasa Radlic"
"Coffin Portrait of Stanislaw Woysza"
"Coffin Portrait of Unknown Woman"
"Coffin Portrait of Zofia Walicka"
"Epitaph Portrait of Father Jan Luczkiewicz"
"Portrait of a Bishop Piotr Myszkowski"
"Portrait of a Nobleman"
"Portrait of a Nobleman"
"Portrait of a Woman"
"Portrait of Aleksander Soltyk"
"Portrait of an Officer Going Hunting"
"Portrait of Anna Lubomirska née Branicka"
"Portrait of Anna Radziwill née Kettler"
"Portrait of Anna Soltykowa née Debinska"
"Portrait of Antonina Olszowska"
"Portrait of Bishop Konstanty Felicjan Szaniawski"
"Portrait of Bona Sforza, the Queen of Poland and the Great Princess of Lithuania"
"Portrait of Boreyko, Castellan of Zawichost"
"Portrait of Catherina and Gregory Przybylo"
"Portrait of Catherina Ostrogska née Lubomirska"
"Portrait of Catherina Radziwill née Teczynska"
"Portrait of Elzbieta Lubomirska née Denhoff"
"Portrait of Franciszek Rupniewski"
"Portrait of Franciszka So³tykowa née Mycielska"
"Portrait of General Tomasz Wawrzecki"
"Portrait of Jadwiga Mniszech née Tarlo"
"Portrait of Jakub Karnicki"
"Portrait of Jakub Sobieski"
"Portrait of Jan Klemens Branicki"
"Portrait of Jan Suchecki"
"Portrait of Jan Wielopolski"
"Portrait of Janusz Radziwill"
"Portrait of Janusz Radziwill"
"Portrait of Jozef Jaksa-Bakowski"
"Portrait of Jozefa Soltyk née Makowiecka"
"Portrait of Karol Stanislaw Radziwill"
"Portrait of Karol Stanislaw Radziwill"
"Portrait of King Sigismund I the Old"
"Portrait of King Stanislaus Leszczynski"
"Portrait of Konstancja Krystyna Wielopolska"
"Portrait of Konstanty Felicjan Szaniawski"
"Portrait of Krzysztof Zbaraski"
"Portrait of Ludwika Karolina Radziwil"
"Portrait of Lukasz Opalinski"
"Portrait of Maciej Soltyk"
"Portrait of Michal Korybut Wisniowiecki"
"Portrait of Michal Rupniewski"
"Portrait of Mikolaj Soltyk"
"Portrait of Pawel Chosciak-Popiel"
"Portrait of Priest Michal Soltyk"
"Portrait of Queen Catherine Leszczyñska née Opalinska"
"Portrait of Queen Maria Kazimiera Sobieska"
"Portrait of Sebastian Lubomirski"
"Portrait of Sebastian Lubomirski"
"Portrait of Sobieski Family"
"Portrait of Stanislaw Mateusz Rzewuski"
"Portrait of Stanislaw Suchocki"
"Portrait of Stefan Korczak Komorowski"
"Portrait of the Daughter of Sebastian Lubomirski"
"Portrait of Tomasz Zamojski"
"Portrait of Weglinski, Sub-Treasurer of Chelm"
"Portrait of Zbigniew Ossolinski and his Sons"
Uziemblo, Henryk"Portrait of a Girl"
Wachtel, Wilhelm"Portrait of a Girl"
Walach, Stanislaw"Portrait of the Grandfather"
Wankowicz, Walenty"Portrait of the Engraver Gotlib Kisling"
Wasikiewicz, Anna"Landscape"
Wasowicz, Waclaw"Portrait of the Artist's Wife"
"Portrait of the Artist's Wife - Zofia Wasowicz"
Weingart, Joachim"Woman in a Red Dress"
"Woman in a Yellow Dress"
Weiss, Irena"Hanusia with Apple"
"Portrait of Zdzislaw Drobner"
Weiss, Wojciech"Aneri at the Door"
"Aneri in an Armchair"
"Aneri in White"
"Aneri with Easels"
"Artist's Wife in the Garden"
"Melancholic (Totenmesse)"
"Portrait of Aneri"
"Portrait of Ignacy Pienkowski"
"Self-Portrait with Masks"
"Self-Portrait with Wife at the Window"
Wessel, Jacob"Hieronim Florian Radziwill"
"Portrait of Magdalena Radziwill"
"Portrait of Tomasz Czapski"
Wiesiolowski, Ludwik"Boy in a Hat"
Wilczynski, Roman"Russian Officer and His Daughters"
Winkler, Konrad"Portrait of the Artist's Wife"
Wintorowski (Winterowski), Leonard"Portrait of a Lady in Profile"
Wiszniewski, Eugeniusz"Trees over the Lake"
Witkiewicz (Witkacy), Stanislaw Ignacy"Deception of Woman (Maryla Grossmanowa and Self-portrait)"
"Double Portrait - Halina Judt and Michal Choromanski"
"Double Portrait - Helena Bialynicka-Birula and Stefan Glass"
"Double Portrait of Helena and Teodor Bialynicki-Birula"
"Double Portrait of Helena Lisinska and Jan Gadomski"
"Double Portrait of Kazimierz Sosnkowski and Michal Choromanski"
"Double Portrait of Maria and Wlodzimierz Nawrocki"
"Dr. Jeckyll (Self-Portrait)"
"Fictitious Portrait"
"Jan Leszczynski as Robespierre"
"Maria i Wlodzimierz Nawrocki"
"Moody Portrait"
"Mr. Hyde (Self-Portrait)"
"Napoleon's Grenadier"
"Portrait of a Doctor from Cracow"
"Portrait of a Girl"
"Portrait of a Man"
"Portrait of a Man"
"Portrait of a Man"
"Portrait of a Man"
"Portrait of a Man"
"Portrait of a Man"
"Portrait of a Man"
"Portrait of a Man"
"Portrait of a Man"
"Portrait of a Man"
"Portrait of a Man"
"Portrait of a Man"
"Portrait of a Man"
"Portrait of a Man"
"Portrait of a Man"
"Portrait of a Man"
"Portrait of a Man"
"Portrait of a Man in Type B"
"Portrait of a Woman"
"Portrait of a Woman"
"Portrait of a Woman"
"Portrait of a Woman"
"Portrait of a Woman"
"Portrait of a Woman"
"Portrait of a Woman"
"Portrait of a Woman"
"Portrait of a Woman"
"Portrait of a Woman"
"Portrait of a Woman"
"Portrait of a Woman"
"Portrait of a Young Woman"
"Portrait of Albina Rondomanska"
"Portrait of Albina Rondomanska"
"Portrait of Aleksandra Totwenowa"
"Portrait of an Officer"
"Portrait of Andrzej Rybicki"
"Portrait of Anna and Jaroslaw Iwaszkiewicz"
"Portrait of Anna Nawrocka"
"Portrait of Anna Nawrocka"
"Portrait of Anna Nawrocka"
"Portrait of Anna Nawrocka"
"Portrait of Anna Nawrocka"
"Portrait of Anna Nawrocka"
"Portrait of Anna Nawrocka"
"Portrait of Anna Rydel"
"Portrait of Artur Schroeder"
"Portrait of Bogdan Jaxa-Ronikier"
"Portrait of Bohdan Filipowski"
"Portrait of Bohdan Filipowski"
"Portrait of Bohdan Filipowski"
"Portrait of Bohdan Filipowski"
"Portrait of Charles Forbes"
"Portrait of Czeslawa Okninska"
"Portrait of Dr. Henryk Boreniok"
"Portrait of Edwarda Szmuglarowska"
"Portrait of Edwarda Szmuglarowska"
"Portrait of Eugenia Dunin-Borkowska"
"Portrait of Franciszek Staroniewicz"
"Portrait of H. Hilchen"
"Portrait of H. Spirzewska"
"Portrait of Halina Bylczynska"
"Portrait of Halina Bylczynska"
"Portrait of Halina Krajewska"
"Portrait of Halina Reynel"
"Portrait of Hanna Moesowna"
"Portrait of Hans Cornelius"
"Portrait of Helena Bialynicka-Birula"
"Portrait of Helena Bialynicka-Birula"
"Portrait of Helena Bialynicka-Birula"
"Portrait of Helena Bialynicka-Birula"
"Portrait of Helena Bialynicka-Birula"
"Portrait of Helena Bialynicka-Birula"
"Portrait of Helena Bialynicka-Birula"
"Portrait of Helena Bialynicka-Birula"
"Portrait of Helena Bialynicka-Birula"
"Portrait of Helena Bialynicka-Birula"
"Portrait of Helena Bialynicka-Birula"
"Portrait of Helena Bialynicka-Birula"
"Portrait of Helena Bialynicka-Birula"
"Portrait of Helena Bialynicka-Birula"
"Portrait of Helena Bialynicka-Birula"
"Portrait of Helena Bialynicka-Birula"
"Portrait of Helena Stachurska"
"Portrait of Henryk Kamm"
"Portrait of Irena Domaniewska"
"Portrait of Irena Domaniewska"
"Portrait of Irena Fedorowicz"
"Portrait of Irena Fedorowicz"
"Portrait of Irena Krzywicka"
"Portrait of Irena Krzywicka"
"Portrait of Irena Krzywicka"
"Portrait of Irena Krzywicka"
"Portrait of Irena Landesman"
"Portrait of Irena Raciborska"
"Portrait of Irena Solska and a Man"
"Portrait of Irena Wiedyskiewicz-Polniakowa"
"Portrait of Irmina Bajer-Nowowiejska"
"Portrait of Izabela Zborowska"
"Portrait of Jadwiga Pulich"
"Portrait of Jadwiga Pulich"
"Portrait of Jadwiga Sobolewska"
"Portrait of Jadwiga Turowska-Leszczynska"
"Portrait of Jadwiga Witkiewicz"
"Portrait of Jan Jozef Glogowski - Il pensieroso"
"Portrait of Jan Leszczynski"
"Portrait of Jan Leszczynski"
"Portrait of Jan Nawrocki"
"Portrait of Jan Nawrocki"
"Portrait of Janina Bastgen"
"Portrait of Janina Filipowska"
"Portrait of Janina Filipowska"
"Portrait of Janina Skibinska"
"Portrait of Janina Turowska-Leszczynska"
"Portrait of Janina Turowska-Leszczynska"
"Portrait of Janusz de Beaurain"
"Portrait of Janusz Domaniewski"
"Portrait of Janusz Domaniewski"
"Portrait of Janusz Domaniewski"
"Portrait of Jedrzej Marusarz"
"Portrait of Jerzy Burnat"
"Portrait of Jerzy Komorowski"
"Portrait of Jerzy Komorowski at the Age of 11"
"Portrait of Jerzy Koninski"
"Portrait of Joanna Czaplicka-Rzepka"
"Portrait of Jozef Fedorowicz"
"Portrait of Jozef Fedorowicz"
"Portrait of Jozef Fedorowicz"
"Portrait of Jozefina Koninska"
"Portrait of Kazimiera Zulawska"
"Portrait of Kazimierz Sosnkowski"
"Portrait of Lena Izycka"
"Portrait of Leon Chwistek"
"Portrait of leon Reynel"
"Portrait of Leopold Gebel"
"Portrait of Leszek Komorowski at the Age of 7"
"Portrait of Ludwik de Laveaux"
"Portrait of Major Stefan Galynski"
"Portrait of Major Stefan Galynski"
"Portrait of Malgorzata Wanda Zukotynska"
"Portrait of Marceli Staroniewicz"
"Portrait of Maria Kaminska"
"Portrait of Maria Kaminska"
"Portrait of Maria Nawrocka"
"Portrait of Maria Nawrocka"
"Portrait of Maria Nawrocka"
"Portrait of Maria Nawrocka"
"Portrait of Maria Nawrocka"
"Portrait of Maria Nawrocka"
"Portrait of Maria Nawrocka"
"Portrait of Maria Suchon"
"Portrait of Marian Radecki"
"Portrait of Michal Bialynicki-Birula"
"Portrait of Michal Bialynicki-Birula"
"Portrait of Michal Choromanski"
"Portrait of Michal Choromanski"
"Portrait of Michal Choromanski"
"Portrait of Michal Choromanski"
"Portrait of Michal Choromanski"
"Portrait of Michal Choromanski"
"Portrait of Michal Choromanski"
"Portrait of Michal Choromanski"
"Portrait of Michal Jagodowski"
"Portrait of Michal Jagodowski"
"Portrait of Michal Krajewski"
"Portrait of Modesta Zwolinska"
"Portrait of Mrs. Borowiecka"
"Portrait of Nena Stachurska"
"Portrait of Nena Stachurska"
"Portrait of Nena Stachurska"
"Portrait of Nena Stachurska"
"Portrait of Nena Stachurska"
"Portrait of Nena Stachurska"
"Portrait of Nena Stachurska"
"Portrait of Rafal Malczewski"
"Portrait of Stanislaw Czurylla"
"Portrait of Stefan Daszynski"
"Portrait of Stefan Glass"
"Portrait of Stefan Glass"
"Portrait of Stefan Glass"
"Portrait of Stefan Szuman"
"Portrait of Stefan Totwen"
"Portrait of Stefan Totwen"
"Portrait of Stefan Totwen"
"Portrait of Tadeusz Boy-Zelenski"
"Portrait of Teodor Bialynicki-Birula"
"Portrait of Teresa Glod"
"Portrait of the Pianist Gorecki"
"Portrait of Tomasz Domaniewski"
"Portrait of Waclaw Bundyk"
"Portrait of Waleria Maria Glogowska"
"Portrait of Wladyslaw Nelken"
"Portrait of Wlodzimierz Nawrocki"
"Portrait of Wlodzimierz Nawrocki"
"Portrait of Wlodzimierz Nawrocki"
"Portrait of Wlodzimierz Nawrocki"
"Portrait of Wlodzimierz Nawrocki"
"Portrait of Wlodzimierz Nawrocki"
"Portrait of Wlodzimierz Nawrocki"
"Portrait of Zan Junior"
"Portrait of Zbyszek Nawrocki"
"Portrait of Zofia Jagodowska"
"Portrait of Zofia Jagodowska"
"Portrait of Zofia Jagodowska"
"Portrait of Zofia Krzeptowska"
"Portrait of Zofia Krzeptowska"
"Portrait of Zofia Mohuczyna"
"Portrait of Zofia Schroeder"
"Self-Portrait in a Mirror"
"Self-Portrait with a Samovar"
Wodzinowski, Wincenty"Portrait of a Soldier"
"Self-Portrait with Muse"
"Woman with a Child"
Wojniakowski, Kazimierz"Portrait of Jozefa Chrzanowska"
"Portrait of Kazimiera Wilzyna née Potocka"
Wojtkiewicz, Witold"Portrait of Eliza"
"Portrait of Liza Parenska"
"Portrait of Maksymilian Rosen"
"Portrait of Maria Raczynska née Parenska"
"Portrait of the Musician Boleslaw Raczynski"
"Portrait of the Musician Zygmunt Skirgiello"
Wyczolkowski, Leon"Ludwik Rydygier"
"Portrait of Jozef Chelmonski"
"Portrait of a Young Man"
"Portrait of Jozef Chelmonski"
"Portrait of Professor Sokolowski"
"Portrait of Professor Stanislaw Szwarc"
"Portrait of Tadeusz Zuk-Skarszewski"
"Szymon Tatar"
"Woman in a Cracovian Folk Costume"
Wygrzywalski, Felix Michael"Portrait of a Boy"
"Self-Portrait in Oriental Costume"
Wyspianski, Stanislaw"Artist's Wife and Daughter, The"
"Artist's Wife with their Son Stas"
"Double Portrait of Jozef Mehoffer"
"Girl in a Blue Hat"
"Girl with a Red Hat"
"Girl With Blue Eyes"
"Girl with Violets"
"Head of a Girl"
"Head of a Girl"
"Head of a Girl"
"Head of a Girl"
"Head of a Man"
"Helenka - the Artist's Daughter"
"Jan Stanislawski"
"Jozio Feldman"
"Portrait of a Doctor"
"Portrait of a Girl"
"Portrait of a Girl"
"Portrait of a Girl"
"Portrait of a Girl in a Red Dress"
"Portrait of a Girl in a Red Dress"
"Portrait of a Grl"
"Portrait of Adolf Nowaczynski"
"Portrait of Antoni Kamienski"
"Portrait of Antoni Lange"
"Portrait of Artist's Wife"
"Portrait of Eliza Parenska"
"Portrait of Eliza Parenska"
"Portrait of Franciszek Krzysztalowicz"
"Portrait of Helena Propper-Bornet"
"Portrait of Helenka in a Folk Costume"
"Portrait of Honorata Leszczynska as Katharina in Shakespeare's "The Taming of the Shrew"
"Portrait of Irena Solska"
"Portrait of Jan Stanislawski"
"Portrait of Jerzy Zulawski"
"Portrait of Jozef Mehoffer"
"Portrait of Jozefa Krzysztalowicz"
"Portrait of Julian Nowak"
"Portrait of Julian Pagaczewski"
"Portrait of Kazimierz Lewandowski"
"Portrait of Kazimierz Stankiewicz"
"Portrait of Klementyna"
"Portrait of Leonowa Sternbachowa"
"Portrait of little Jozia"
"Portrait of Liza Parenska (Among Blossoming Pelargonium Flowers)"
"Portrait of Maria Waskowska"
"Portrait of Mietek"
"Portrait of Miss Sternbachowna"
"Portrait of Salomea Hankiewiczowa and Her Daughter"
"Portrait of Stanislaw Sieroslawski"
"Portrait of the Actor Andrzej Mielewski"
"Portrait of the Actress Wanda Siemaszkowa"
"Portrait of the Actress Wladyslawa Ordon-Sosnowska"
"Portrait of the Artist's Wife"
"Portrait of the Artist's Wife with Pelargoniums"
"Portrait of the Misses Kijenski"
"Portrait of Wincenty Parvi"
"Portrait of Wlodzimierz Tetmajer"
"Self-Portrait in a Robe of Ancient Polish Noble"
"Self-Portrait with His Wife"
"Two Girls"
Zak, Eugène"Breton Girl"
"Breton Woman"
"Head of a Man (Self-Portrait)"
"Head of a Young Man"
"Head of a Young Man in a Spiky Hat"
"Head of an Elder"
"Man in a Cap"
"Portrait of a Breton Woman"
"Portrait of a Man"
"Portrait of a Woman in Profile"
"Portrait of a Young Man"
"Portrait of a Young Woman in a Hat (Jadwiga Zak)"
"Portrait of Georges Artemoff"
"Portrait of Roman Kramsztyk"
"Portrait of the Artist's Wife"
"Woman in a Blue Shawl"
Zarzecki, Marcin"Portrait of a Woman with a Child"
Zawadzinski, Czeslaw"Portrait of a Woman"
Zelechowski, Kacper"Highland Girl"
Zeromska, Monika"Portrait of Tadeusz Przypkowski"
"Stefan Zeromski"
Zieleniewski, Kazimierz"Self-Portrait"
Ziomek, Teodor"Self-Portrait"
Zmurko, Franciszek"Head of a Blonde Woman (Portrait of the Artist's Wife?), The"
"Lady in a Hat"
"Portrait of a Woman"
"Portrait of a Woman with a Fan and a Cigarette"
"Portrait of a Young Woman"
"Portrait of the Model"
"Self-Portrait as Stanczyk"
"Woman with a Fan"
Zulawski, Marek"Portrait of Claire Bloom"