Landscapes in Polish Paintings

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Ajdukiewicz, Thaddaus von"First Mercedes in Poland, The"
"Horses Near the Forest's Edge"
"Rider on the Steppe"
Alchimowicz, Kazimierz"Clearing (Waldlichtung)"
"Landscape with a Stork"
"Shrine on Biruta Hill"
Alchimowicz, Hiacynt"Old Bridge in the Pyrenees (near Perignan)"
Anthony, Justyna"Autumn in the Woods"
Arct, Eugeniusz"Garden in the Town of Kazimierz"
"Kazimierz - View of the Town from the Hill of Three Crosses"
Augustynowicz, Aleksander"Mountainous Landscape"
Andrzej Ansgary"Forest Glade"
"In a Garden (In a Park)"
"Landscape from Sobotka"
"Landscape with Trees"
"Lupine in Sunlight"
"Mirages (Symbolic Composition)"
"Path in the Woods"
"Path in the Woods (Chemin dans un sous-bois)"
"View of Nowa S³upia"
Aneri"Dunajec Passing Through Szaflary"
"Kalwarian Landscape with a View of the Monastery"
"Kalwarian Landscape with Sheaves"
"Landscape with Willows"
"Vistula's Meander with a view of Skalka Church"
Bakalowicz, Stefan"Gizeh - Cairo"
Bednarski, Jan"Rozew"
Beksinski, Zdzislaw"Surrealistic Landscape"
Bellotto (Canaletto), Bernardo"Panoramic View of a River Valley"
"View of the Gazzada"
"View with the Villa Melzi d'Eril"
Benedyktowicz, Ludomir Ludwik Dominik"Forest Landscape"
Bieszczad, Seweryn"Cracovian Couple"
"Rural Landscape"
"Summer Landscape"
Blond (Maurice Blumenkrantz), Maurycy"Landscape"
Blonder, Sasza (Szaje)"Landscape of the Orb"
"Orb Valley"
Bohuszewicz, Jan"Cypresses"
Boloz, Tadeusz"Hajnowka"
Boncza-Rutkowski, Wladyslaw"Cottage with Beehives"
"Cottage with Storks"
"In Front of a Cottage"
"Rural Landscape"
"Summer - Going Back Home"
"Winter - Going Home"
Borowski, Waclaw"Idyll"
Brandel, Konstanty"Provencal Landscape - Smell of Lavender"
Brandt, Jozef"Oronsko (near Radom)"
Bratkowski, Roman"Summer Day on Capri"
Breslauer, Christian"Church near the Lake"
"Landscape from Norway"
"Mountain landscape"
"Mountain landscape"
"Northern Landscape with a Lake and a Castle"
"Painting from the North"
"Palace in Natolin"
Brochocki, Walery"Landscape with a Boat"
"Landscape with an Inn"
"Winter Landscape"
Brzozowski, Feliks"Forest Landscape"
"Landscape with Harvesters"
"Road to the Forest"
Bujnowski, Zygmunt (Zych)"High Tatras in Winter, The"
"Old Barns"
Bunsch, Adam"Landscape"
Charyton, Jozef"Behind the Barns"
Chelminski, Jan van"Asking for Direction"
Chelmonski, Jozef"At Sunset"
"Before the Sunrise. Venus"
"Big Carduus"
"Concert of Frogs"
"Country Road"
"Cranes at Dawn"
"Cross, The"
"Decoy Ducks on the Lake"
"Eurasian Jay. White Frost"
"Evening (From Polesie)"
"Flooded Meadow"
"Geese Over the Water"
"Haystack in Pinszczyzna"
"Lake - Morning"
"Landscape of Podolia"
"Landscape Study - Herons"
"Landscape with a Church"
"Landscape with a Village"
"Landscape. Forest"
"Little Shepherds by the Bonfire"
"Mazovian Landscape"
"Meadow at Sunset"
"Meadow with Marsh-Marigolds"
"Morning Haze. Styr River"
"Park in Radziejowice"
"Path in a Forest"
"Path Through a Field"
"Pond in a Forest"
"Pond in Radziejowice"
"Smoke. Autumn"
"Spring. Marsh Marigolds"
"Spring. Stream"
"Sunset. Lake Switez"
"Vistula River"
"Winter Landscape"
"Winter. Manor at Dusk"
Chlebowski, Stanislaus von"Italian Landscape"
Chlebus, Jozef"Beskids in Winter, The"
"French Coast"
Chmielinski, Wladyslaw"Winter in Warsaw"
Chmielowski, Adam"By the River"
"Country Landscape"
"Crows above a Cliff"
"Landscape with a Ghost"
"Sheep in a Ravine"
"Slope of Ravine"
"Village at Night"
Chorembalski, Wawrzyniec"Forest"
"River with Yellow Water Lilies"
Chwat, Molli"Landscape with a Church"
"Landscape with Red Roofs"
Cieczkiewicz, Edmund"Forest Landscape"
"In a Forest"
Cieszkowski, Henryk"Near the Colosseum"
"Ruins on the Roman Campagna"
"Stone Pines"
"Stone Pines"
Cwiklinski, Zefiryn"Czarny Staw"
"Czorsztyn Castle at the Ghost Hour"
"Meadow in Mountains"
"Tatra Mountains View"
Cybis, Jan"Landscape"
"Landscape with a Cottage"
"Landscape with a Meadow and Red Houses"
"Landscape with Poplars"
"On the Meadow"
"Park in Nieborow"
"Wheat Field"
Czachorski, Wladyslaw"Before the Storm"
Czajkowski, Stanislaw"Bronowice in Spring"
"Early Spring. Cracovian Village"
"Grey Day"
"Landscape with a Shrine"
"Near a Pond"
"Pond - Landscape of Holland"
"Thistles in Sunshine"
"Village by the Forest Edge"
Czajkowski, Jozef"Landscape with a Path"
"Village near Cracow"
"Winter. Peacock in a Garden"
Czapski, Joseph"Alley in a Park"
"Chateaux la Roussille"
"Coastline with a Beach"
"Landscape near the Seine"
"Slone. Landscape with a Dog"
Czarkowski, Boleslaw"Landscape"
Czepita, Michal Wiktor"On a Meadow"
Czerwenka, Erwin"Spruces"
Daczynski, Stanislaw"Huculszczyzna"
"Mountainous Landscape"
Debicki, Stanislaw"After the Storm"
"Landscape near Village of Stryj"
"Mountainous Landscape"
Dominik, Tadeusz"Biala Gora"
"Stary Sacz"
"Stary Sacz"
Dowgird (Tadas Daugirdas), Tadeusz"Winter Landscape"
Duda-Gracz, Jerzy"Autumn"
"Painting 2069"
"Painting 2699"
"Pasym - November"
"Poetry of the Village, Brzegi 4 - Painting 1373, The"
"Tatra Mountains - 1"
Dwurnik, Edward"Pink Jetty"
"Poppy Flowers"
"Poppy Flowers"
Eibisch, Eugeniusz"Landscape"
"Landscape of Kudova with Wickets"
"Landscape of Southern France"
"Landscape with a Bridge"
"Provencal Landscape"
Eleszkiewicz, Stanislaw"Road"
Eljasz-Radzikowski, Jan Kanty Walery"Landscape with Ruins"
Epstein, Henryk"Country Road"
"House by a River"
"Landscape in Green"
"Landscape with Wayside Trees"
"Mediterranean Landscape with Figures"
"Path by the Stream"
"Road to the Snowy Village"
"Southern Landscape"
"Summer Landscape"
"Village Road"
"Walking on the Edge of the Forest"
"Winter Landsacpe of Southern France"
Erb, Erno"Huts in Mountains"
Fabijanski, Stanislaw Ignacy Poraj"Cossack on Horseback"
Faczynski, Jerzy"Church"
"Landscape with a Church"
"Manor House"
"Palace Park"
"Road Shrine"
Falat, Julian"Autumn in Bystra"
"Autumn in Bystra"
"Autumn Landscape with Moose"
"Autumn Landscape with Rowan"
"Beskid Mountains near Bystra"
"Boats on Banks of Vistula River"
"Bystra in Autumn"
"Bystra Landscape"
"Church in Osiek"
"Edge of the Forest"
"Field Early Spring"
"Flood in Bystra"
"Flooding River"
"Forest in Winter"
"Hunting in Nieswieze"
"Hunting Scene"
"Ice Floes on the Vistula River"
"In the Park"
"Kocierska Pass"
"Lake Switez"
"Migrating Geese"
"Moose in Polesie"
"My Garden in Bystra"
"Near Babia Gora"
"Pine Forest"
"Polesie. Winter"
"River in Snow"
"River in Snow"
"Royal Hill, Cracow"
"Spring in Bystra"
"Summer Landscape with a River"
"Tatra Mountains"
"Village in Polesie"
"Winter in Beskid Mountains"
"Winter in Bystra"
"Winter in Nieswiez"
"Winter in Osiek"
"Winter in Polesia"
"Winter in Polesie"
"Winter Landscape"
"Winter Landscape"
"Winter Landscape in Bystra"
"Winter Landscape near Bystra"
"Winter Landscape of Bystra"
"Winter Landscape of Bystra"
"Winter Landscape of Nieswiez"
"Winter Landscape with a Cottage"
"Winter Landscape with a River"
"Winter Landscape with Pink Clouds"
"Winter Landscape with River"
"Winter Landscape. Bystra"
"Women Working"
False, John"Approaching Storm"
"Autumn Sunrise"
"Cottage at Twilight"
"Polish Village"
"Road Home"
"Village House"
"Work on the meadow"
Fedkowicz, Jerzy"Landscape with Trees and a Red House"
Filipkiewicz, Stefan"Autumn"
"Autumn Clouds"
"Autumn Landscape"
"Forest Landscape"
"Forest Stream"
"Frozen Pond"
"Hut in Podhale"
"Krynica in Winter"
"Landscape with a River"
"Melting Snow"
"Morning in Zakopane"
"Mountain Landscape"
"Mountain Landscape"
"Mountain Landscape with a Church"
"Mountain Stream in Winter"
"Mountainous Landscape"
"Mountains in Winter"
"Royal Lazienki Park in Warsaw, The"
"Sea after Sunset, The"
"Skawianka in Autumn"
"Spring in Tatra Mountains"
"Stream in Snow"
"Stream in Winter"
"Stream in Winter"
"Summer Landscape"
"Summer Landscape with Cottages"
"Tatra Mountains"
"Tatra Mountains"
"Tatra Mountains"
"Tatra Mountains in Winter"
"View from Cyrla"
"View from the Park in Jastrzebia Gora"
"View of Tatra Mountains from Antalowka"
"Winter in Podhale"
"Winter in Podhale"
"Winter in Tatra Mountains"
"Winter in the Mountains"
"Winter Landscape"
"Winter Landscape"
"Winter Landscape"
"Winter Landscape"
"Winter Landscape"
"Winter Landscape"
"Winter Landscape"
"Winter Landscape"
"Winter Landscape with Mountains"
"Zakopane in Snow"
Filipkiewicz, Mieczyslaw"Giewont"
"Mountainous Landscape"
"Mountainous Landscape"
"Tatra Mountains"
"Tatra Mountains"
"Winter Landscape"
"Winter Landscape in Poronin"
Flek, Wojciech"Autumn Landscape"
Galek, Stanislaw"Fog over Czarny Staw (Black Lake in Tatra Mountains)"
"Forest in Fog"
"Morskie Oko"
"Morskie Oko Lake"
"Mountain Meadow"
"Mountainous Landscape"
"Mountainous Landscape"
"Mountainous Landscape (Czarny Staw)"
"Tatra Mountains"
"Tatra Mountains"
"Tatra Mountains Landscape"
Galimski, Wladyslaw"Landscape with a Windmill"
Gawlikowski, Ryszard"Barn in Autumn Landscape"
Gedlek, Ludwik"Hunting"
Gentil-Tippenhauer, Wanda"Hut in Tatra Mountains"
Gerson, Wojciech"Cemetery in the Mountains"
"Dry Stream in Tatra Mountains"
"Hut near Czarny Staw in Tatra Mountains"
"In the Tatra Mountains"
"On the Country Road"
"Road near the Stream"
"Rocks of White Water Valley in Tatra Mountains"
"Ruins of Trocki Castle near Vilnius"
"Storm in the Tatra Mountains"
Gibinski, Stanislaw"Mist over a Lake"
Gierymski, Aleksander"Italian Garden (Italian Park)"
"Landscape with Cypresses"
"Landscape with River"
"Road in Bronowice (Inn in Bronowice)"
"Rural Landscape"
"Saxon Garden in Warsaw, The"
"Stone Pine Trees in the Villa Borghese Gardens in Rome"
"The Schleissheim Park near Munich"
Gierymski, Maksymilian"Apple Tree over the Stream"
"Insurrectionary Patrol"
"Landscape at Sunrise"
"Landscape with a Lake"
"Landscape with a Lake"
"Rifle Range in a Grove"
"Spring Landscape"
Glasner, Jakub"Winter Forest"
Glowacki, Jan Nepomucen"Koscieliska Valley in Tatra Mountains, The"
"Lake Morskie Oko in the Tatra Mountains"
"Landscape near Ojcow"
"Morskie Oko Lake in Tatra Mountains"
"Mountain Stream"
"Palace in Zarzecze"
"Valley of Ojcow"
"View of Wawel Castle"
Gorecki, Wojciech"Haystack at Dawn"
Gorski, Stanislaw"Mountainer"
Gotlib, Henryk"Fantastic Landscape"
"Landscape with a Meadow"
"Landscape with Herd of Sheep"
"Lane in Cornwall"
"Surrey Landscape"
Grabinski, Henryk"Alpine Landscape"
"Near Ojcow"
"Rocks near Ojcow"
Grabowski, Stanislaw"Grasse"
"Olive Grove"
Graczynski, Jozef"Return from the Field"
"Rural Landscape"
Gramatyka, Antoni"Mountainous Landscape"
Grott, Teodor"Landscape"
Grubinski, Jan"Fog"
"Landscape at Sunset"
Guranowski, Jozef"Oak"
"Summer Landscape"
"Village. Nocturne"
"Winter Landscape"
Gwozdecki, Gustaw"Etna"
Harasimowicz, Marceli"Dunajec River in the Pieniny Range, The"
"River Landscape (Eine Flußlandschaft)"
"Sunset over a Lake"
Hayden, Henri"Bay of Doëlan in Clohars-Carnoët"
"Breton Landscape"
"Estuary, The"
"Landscape (Paysage)"
"Landscape of Southern France"
"Landscape of Southern France"
"Landscape with a Chapel"
"Marne River in Green"
"Provencal Landscape"
"Road to Jaignes (Route de Jaignes)"
"Untitled Landscape"
"View of Beauval"
"View of Beauval, France (Vue sur Beauval, France)"
"Village Scene"
Hofman, Vlastimil"Landscape"
"Portrait of Ada, the Artist's Wife"
"Study of a Bearded Man"
"View on Wawel Royal Castle in Cracow"
Holzmüller, Juliusz"Landscape with a Cottage"
"White Shrine"
Izdebski-Cruz, Krzysztof"El Teide"
Jahl, Wladyslaw"Brive"
"Fields of Voiron"
"French Landscape"
"Landscape of Faviéres"
"Landscape of Limon"
"Parc de Sceaux"
"Voiron in Winter"
Jamontt, Bronislaw"Trees"
Jankowski, Stanislaw"Field Landscape with Sunflowers"
Jankowski, Czeslaw"Landscape with Trees"
Jarema, Maria"Landscape"
Jarocki, Stanislaw"Vilnius - a View of Antokol"
Jarocki, Wladyslaw"Highland Woman from the Carpathians"
"Hutzul Landscape"
"Self-Portrait on Ski"
"Winter Sun"
Jaroszynski, Joseph"Hutzuls"
"In the Tatra Valley"
"Return from a Market"
"Riders Returning Home"
Jasienski, Stanislaw"Hunter"
"Panoramic Landscape with Birch Trees and Three Travellers at Rest"
Jasinski, Emilian"Landscape at Sunset, The"
Jasnikowski, Jaroslaw"Photographic Plein Air"
Jastrzebowski, Wojciech"Blossoming Orchard"
Jaxa-Malachowski, Soter"Capri"
"Pine Tree Alley"
"Tatra Mountains, The"
Jazwiecki, Franciszek"Landscape"
Jonscher, Barbara"Landscape"
Jozefczyk, Zygmunt"Country Road"
Kaczmarski, Karol"Lazienki Palace"
Kamocki, Stanislaw"Autumn"
"Blossoming Apple Tree"
"Castle in Wisnicz"
"Czarny Staw Gasienicowy - Lake in the Tatra Mountains"
"Early Spring"
"Early Spring in Zakopane"
"Ears (from Sandomierz)"
"Field Poppies"
"Flowering Meadow"
"Garden in Winter"
"Grey Day"
"Hala Gasienicowa"
"Indian Summer"
"Jaworzynka Valley"
"Landscape of Wola Radziszowska"
"Landscape with Two Horse Cart"
"Mountain Cottages"
"Potato Lifting"
"Summer. Landscape with a Tree"
"Vistula River near Sandomierz"
"Winter Landscape with a Church"
Karat, Robert"Landscape from Rzeszow"
Karszniewicz, Jerzy"Winter Landscape"
Kaufmann (Kamir), Leon"Landscape in the Twilight (Paysage au crépuscule)"
"Tree in the Field (Arbre dans le champ)"
Kazimirowski, Eugeniusz"Garden"
Kedzierski, Apoloniusz"In a Forest"
"In the field"
"Park in Jablonna"
"Stream Among Trees"
Kietlicz-Rayski, Konstanty"Winter Landscape"
Kisling, Moïse"Bay"
"Factory between Le Brusc and Sanary-sur-Mer"
"Landscape of Provence"
"Landscape of Provence"
"Landscape of Provence"
"Landscape of Provence"
"Landscape of Provence (Paysage de Provence"
"Landscape of Provence (Paysage de Provence)"
"Landscape of Sanary (Paysage de Sanary)"
"Landscape of Sanary (Paysage de Sanary)"
"Red Rocks in Sanary (Rochers rouges à Sanary)"
"Reflection in the Garden"
Klaklik, Marian"Tatra Mountains in Winter"
Klar, Artur"Eastern Carpathians"
Klepinski, Jan"Hide-and-Seek"
"River Landscape"
Kochanowski, Roman"At Dusk"
"Autumn Forest"
"Autumn Forest"
"Autumn Landscape"
"Autumn Landscape"
"Autumn Landscape"
"Autumn Landscape at Sunset"
"Autumn Landscape on the Riverside"
"By a Fence"
"By the Dirt Road"
"Country Landscape"
"Crows in Winter"
"Early Spring"
"Evening Landscape at the River"
"Farm in a Landscape"
"Forest in Autumn"
"Gathering Wood"
"Gathering Wood"
"Geese at the Riverside"
"Geese near a Stream"
"Grazing Cows"
"Grey Landscape"
"In Autumn"
"In the Forest at Sunset"
"Lake in a Forest"
"Landscape - Flood Waters"
"Landscape at Sunset"
"Landscape at Sunset"
"Landscape near Cracow"
"Landscape near Cracow"
"Landscape with a Figure"
"Landscape with a River"
"Landscape with a Wet Meadow"
"Landscape with Geese"
"Landscape with Poplars"
"Mazovian Flood Waters"
"Midday Break"
"Near a Pond"
"Near the Forest"
"Near the Stream"
"Near the Water"
"On a Pasture"
"On a Pasture"
"On the Bank of the River"
"On the Skirt of a Forest"
"Pasture by the Forest Skirt"
"Potatoes Baking"
"Quiet River in Summer"
"Rural Landscape"
"Summer landscape"
"Summer Landscape"
"Willows near a Stream"
"Winter Landscape"
"Winter Landscape"
"Winter Landscape"
"Winter Landscape"
"Winter Landscape"
"Winter Landscape with Crows"
Kolberg, Antoni Karol"Accident"
Koniczek, Krzysztof"Autumn"
"Biebrza River in Winter"
"Birches - Summer"
"Blue Forest"
"Light in a Forest"
"Poppy Flowers"
"Such a Landscape. Summer"
Kopania, Zbigniew"Monet’s Pond - Spring"
"Romantic Landscape"
Korecki, Wiktor"After Sunset"
"Autumn Forest"
"Birches and Heather"
"Cottage in Snow"
"Cottages in Snow"
"Cottages in Snow"
"Cottages in Snow"
"Forest in Winter"
"Forest in Winter"
"Forest Landscape"
"Forest Path in Winter"
"Forst Landscape"
"Heather in the Forest"
"Hot Day"
"In an Autumn Forest"
"In an Autumn Forest"
"In Winter Sunshine"
"In Winter Sunshine"
"Lanscape with a footbridge"
"Little Bridge in Autumn Forest"
"Marsh Marigolds"
"Marsh Marigolds"
"Mountains Covered in Snow"
"Old Mill"
"Poppy Field"
"Road through a Forest"
"Snowy Landscape at Sunset"
"Snowy Landscape at Sunset"
"Spring. Marsh Marigolds"
"Stream in Snow"
"Stream in Snow"
"Sunset in the Polish Countryside"
"Sunset over a Pond"
"Sunset over Water"
"Winter - Cottages"
"Winter - Road"
"Winter Day"
"Winter in a Forest"
"Winter in a Forest"
"Winter in a Forest"
"Winter Landscape"
"Winter Landscape with a River"
"Winter Landscape with a River and Cottages"
"Winter Landscape with a Stream"
"Winter Landscape with Cottages"
"Winter Morning"
"Winter Road"
"Winter's Night"
"Wintry scene in the twilight"
Korwin Piotrowski, Mieczyslaw"Autumn"
"Trees near the Stream"
Kossak, Jerzy"River Crossing by Napoleon"
Kossak, Karol"Plowing Scene"
"Sleigh Ride"
Kostrzewski, Franciszek"Summer Rural Landscape"
"View of Hebdow"
"Winter Landscape with a Church"
Kotarbinski, Wilhelm"Star in the Night, The"
Kotowski, Damazy"Rural Landscape with a River"
Kotsis, Aleksander"Country Salesman"
"Giewont II"
"Rest in the Mountains"
"Sleeping Model"
"Tatra Mountains - View of Giewont"
Kowalewski, Bronislaw"Pine Tree near a Lake"
Kowarski, Felicjan Szczesny"Landscape"
"Twardowski Rocks"
Kozakiewicz, Antoni"Alone"
"Summer Landscape with a Photographer"
Koziebrodzki, Jakub"Barges on the River"
Kramsztyk, Roman"Landscape from Southern France"
"Little Town"
"Montagne Sainte-Victoire"
"Provençal Landscape with Goats"
Krasnowolski, Jozef"Landscape"
Krcha, Emil"Spring Landscape (Frühlingslandschaft)"
Krotochwila, Adam"Winter Day"
Krych, Henryk"Impressionist Village Landscape"
Krynicki, Nikifor"View on Tatra Mountains"
Krzyszkowski, Jan"Near Myslenice"
Krzyzanowska, Michalina"Landscape with a Church"
Krzyzanowski, Konrad"Frydman"
Ksiazek, Jan"Landscape with Trees"
Kulon, Franciszek C."Horses"
"In the Catskill II"
"Little Chapel"
"Mostly Cloudy"
"Sunrise in the Catskills"
"Sunset over the Catskill"
Kuryatto, Czeslaw"Skiing"
Kwiatkowski, Ludwik"Landscape"
Kwiatkowski, Teofil"Cousin Valley near Avallon"
"Cousin Valley near Avallon"
"Road Among Rocks in Burgundy"
"View of the Cousin Valley near Avallon"
Labanowski, Jerzy"Spring Landscape II"
Lakomski, Tadeusz"Beskid Mountains"
Lam, Wladyslaw"Forest Landscape"
Lampi, Franciszek Ksawery"Mountainous Landscape with Waterfall (The Sunset)"
"Romantic Landscape"
Landau, Zygmunt"Saint-Tropez"
Lange, Antoni"Landscape"
"View of Ojcow - Pieskowa Skala Castle"
Larisch, Karol"View of Kosciuszko Mound as seen from the Artist's Studio"
Lasocki, Kazimierz"Field Of Flowers"
"Rural Landscape"
Laveaux, Ludwik de"Forest"
"In Sunset"
"On the Way to Morskie Oko"
Lempicka, Tamara de"Surrealist Landscape"
Leopolski, Wilhelm"Resting"
Lepszy, Edward Ignacy Jan"Landscape from the Area of Riga"
Leszko, Ludwik"Landscape"
"Winter Landscape"
Lewandowski, Janusz"Landscape"
Lindeman, Emil"Cottage"
"Giewont at Sunset"
"Italian Landscape"
"Italian Terrace, The"
"Landscape with Mountaineers’ Houses"
"Motif of Ozorkow with a Windmill"
"Riverside Landscape"
Lotocki, Kazimierz"After the Storm"
"Landscape with a Church"
"Mountain Shrine"
Lotowski, Jozef"Ciechanowiec"
"Cross, The"
"Wooden Church"
Lubieniecki, Christoffel"Landscape"
Lubieniecki, Theodor"Classic Landscape"
"Waterfront Landscape with a Boat and Figures"
Lurczynski, Mieczyslaw"Landscape"
Mackiewicz, Konstanty"Forest in Winter"
"Summer Landscape"
"Summer Landscape"
"Winter in a Forest"
"Winter in Forest"
Makowski, Tadeusz"Breton Landscape with a Well"
"Farm in Keranquernat"
"Summer in Normandy"
"Village Church"
"Woodcutter's Cottage"
Malczewski, Jacek"Adalia"
"Angel and Little Shepherd"
"Angel, I will Follow You"
"Cove on the Coast near Adalia"
"Garden in Summer"
"Landscape with a Church"
"On a Pasture"
"Park Alley in Charzewice"
"Rural Landscape with a Fence"
"Sleeping in the Grass"
"Spring Landscape"
"Tryptych with Self-Portrait"
Malczewski, Rafal"Cottage in the Mountains"
"Landscape with a Blossoming Tree"
"Landscape with a Cottage"
"Landscape with a Sledge"
"Landscape with Heather"
"Landscape. Midday"
"Mountainous Landscape"
"Mountainous Landscape"
"Mountainous Landscape"
"Mountainous Landscape"
"Mountainous Landscape"
"Mountainous Landscape"
"Mountainous Landscape"
"Paraná (Brazil)"
"Placid Life"
"Placid Life - Harvest"
"Pond in Winter"
"Red Blossoming Tree"
"Rock Climbing"
"Rocky Mountains, The"
"Rocky Mountains with a Green River, The"
"Skiers in the Mountains"
"Stream Shrouded in Snow"
"Tatra Landscape"
"Tatra Race, The"
"Western Tatra Mountains, The"
"Winter in Laurentians - Canada"
"Winter Landscape"
"Winter Landscape"
Malecki, Wladyslaw Aleksander"Alpine Lake"
"Army March Past"
"Autumn Landscape"
"Bavarian Alps"
"Bernardine Monastery in Kolo"
"Forest Meadow"
"Forward Patrol"
"In the Forest"
"Insurgents Marching"
"Landscape with a Chapel"
"Landscape with a Church"
"Landscape with a Meadow"
"Landscape with a Rural Church"
"Landscape with a Stream"
"Landscape with a Stream"
"Marsh Landscape with Water Fowl"
"Mountain Landscape (Alps?)"
"Mountain Landscape (Bavarian Alps?)"
"Mountainous Landscape"
"Park Alley"
"Road in The Mountains"
"Road Through the Forest"
"Rural Landscape"
"Rural Landscape with a Church and Cottages"
"Storks' Seym"
"Summer Landscape"
"Summer Landscape with Harvesters"
"View of the Wawel Castle"
"Village Bialogon near Kielce"
"Village near Kielce"
"Winter Landscape"
Maler, Eryk"Antarctica"
"Five Beehives"
"Spring in Tatra Mountains"
"Willows - Paint"
"Willows, my Muses"
Malinowski, Adam Wiktor"Landscape with a River"
"Rural Landscape"
Marczynski, Adam"Charzykowskie Lake"
Markiel, Jakub"Mountain Road"
Markowicz, Artur"Winter"
Marszewski, Jozef"Italian Coast"
"Landscape near Vilnius"
"Mediterranean View'"
"Nocturnal Landscape and Windmills"
"View of Vilnius"
Maslowski, Stanislaw"Autumn"
"Ducks over the Pond"
"Morskie Oko and Czarny Staw"
"Pond in Radziejowice"
"Road to the Village"
"Spring Day"
Matejko, Jan"View of Bebek near Constantinople"
"View of the St. Mary's Church from the Town Hall Tower in Cracow"
Medrzycki, Maurycy"French Riviera, The"
"Park with Tulips"
"Provencal Landscape"
"Walkers in the Park"
Mehoffer, Jozef"Flower Garden"
"La Gorge d'Areuse"
"Tranced Garden"
"Vistula River near Niepolomice"
Menkes, Sigmund Joseph"Landscape"
"Landscape with Human Figures"
"Southern Landscape"
"Summer Afternoon"
Michalik, Borys"Reminiscence II"
Milich, Adolphe"Ciotat"
"Landscape of Southern France"
"Palms in Gafsa"
Mlodozeniec, Stanislaw"Greece"
Mokwa, Marian"Kashubian Landscape"
"Tatra Mountains"
"Wielewskie Lake"
Mondzain (Szamaj Mondszajn), Simon"Road To Vence"
"Village at the Big Tree"
Mozyro, Elzbieta"Portugal"
Mroczkowski, Aleksander"Black Lake below Mount Rysy"
"Landscape with Cottages"
"Landscape with Stream at Sunset"
"Morskie Oko"
"Morskie Oko Lake"
"Tatra Mountains"
Mularczyk, Jozef"Birch"
"By the Eyes of Halinka Bresler"
"Chocholowski Stream"
"Crocuses in Chocholowska Valley"
"Czarny Staw (Black Lake)"
"Czarny Staw and Morskie Oko Lakes"
"From Kalatowki to Kasprowy"
"G±sienicowa Valley"
"Giewont in Autumn"
"Jordanow Mountains"
"Koscieliska Valley, The"
"Morskie Oko Lake"
"Mountain View"
"Mountainous Landscape"
"Polish Highlands at Sunset"
"Przyslop Valley"
"Shelter in Five Lakes"
"Summer in the Gasienicowa Valley"
"Winter in Tatra Mountains"
Musialowicz, Henryk"Animalistic Landscape"
Muszanka–Lakomska, Janina"Path through the Trees, The"
Muter (Maria Melania Mutermilch), Mela"Barge on the Rhone"
"Couple on a Bench in a Park"
"Fishermen in a River"
"Landscape of Brittany"
"Landscape with a Bridge "
"Landscape with a Bridge"
"Provencal Landscape"
"River landscape"
"Urban Landscape"
Nacht Samborski, Artur"Spanish Landscape"
Nartowski, Tadeusz"Winter Landscape"
Neuman, Abraham"Landscape with a River"
"Olive Trees near Jerusalem"
"Village in Autumn"
Niedzielska, Maria"Autumn"
Niemczykiewicz, Konstanty"On the Trail"
Niesiolowski, Tymon"Landscape with a Red House"
"Landscape with a River"
Niewiadomski, Eligiusz"Corsican Coast"
Nizinski, Piotr"Landscape"
Nocon, Cyprian"After the Storm"
"On the Bank of the River"
"Purple Rain"
"Storm at the Sunset"
"West Wind"
Norblin de la Gourdaine, Jean Pierre"Society on Excursion to a Lake"
Nowosielski, Jerzy"Monastery in Green"
Oborski, Maksymilian"Angara River"
Obst, Seweryn Leopold"Carpathian Mountains, The"
Okun, Edward"Aniene River, The"
"Breadfruit. Amalfi, The"
"Italian Landscape"
"Italian Landscape"
"Landscape with Cypresses"
"Landscape with Waterfall and Castle"
"Mediterranean Landscape"
Orda, Napoleon Mateusz Tadeusz"Ruins of the castle in Kazimierz"
Orlowski, Aleksander"Landscape with Water in Moonlight"
Osostowicz, Stanislaw"Winter Landscape with Trees"
Ostrowski, Wladyslaw"Landscape"
Pajak, Waclaw Kajetan"Part of a Park"
Pankiewicz, Jozef"Bruges Landscape"
"Flowers on the Meadow"
"In Green"
"Landscape of Normandy"
"Landscape of Southern France"
"Landscape with a Hay Cart"
"Mediterranean Landscape"
"Mountainous Landscape of Spain"
"Near Kazimierz Lubelski"
"Park in Duboj"
"Provencal Landscape"
"Saint-Tropez Landscape"
"Saint-Tropez Landscape"
"Stone Pines in Saint-Tropez"
Pautsch, Fryderyk"Autumn in Carpathian Mountains"
"Autumn in Carpathian Mountains"
"Stream in a Forest"
Pekalski, Leonard"Landscape"
Pelczynski, Adam"Forest Road"
"In a Park"
Peske, Jan Miroslaw"Autumn"
"Autumn Trees"
"French Riviera, The"
"Landscape with Windmill"
"Near L'Estaque"
"On the Village Road"
"Petanque Game"
"Provencal Landscape"
"Rural Landscape"
"Seaside in Southern France"
"St Marcouf"
"Sweet Chestnut Trees in Port-Blanc, Morbihan"
"View of a Park"
"View of the City"
Piasecki, Leszek"Ploughman"
Piatkowski, Henryk"Landscape with a Stream"
Pielucha, Daniel"Peasant Wagon"
Pieniazek, Jozef"Landscape with Cottages"
Pienkowski, Ignacy"Landscape"
"Landscape near Cracow"
"On the Bug"
"Park Alley"
Pierzynski, Edward"Winter Landscape with Troika-Sleigh"
Pietkiewicz, Karol"Harvest"
Pink (Ludwika Pinkusiewicz), Lutka"Summer Landscape of Southern France"
Piotrowski, Antoni"Balkans, The"
Piotrowski, Mieczyslaw Korwin"Winter Landscape"
Piwarski, Jan Feliks"Inn - Last Cent, The"
Plonczynski, Aleksander"Stone Bridge"
Pochwalski, Kasper"Church in Rabka"
"Giewont Mountain"
"Landscape of Droblin"
"Landscape with a Church Tower on the Background"
"Landscape with a Cottage"
"Landscape with a Cottage"
"Landscape with a Fallen Tree"
"Landscape with a Garden"
"Landscape with Logs"
"Mountain Forest"
"Mountainous Landscape"
"Rural Landscape"
"Rural Landscape"
"Village Glogoczow"
"Winter in Bieszczady Mountains"
Pociecha, Michal"Country Landscape"
Podkowinski, Wladyslaw"Forest Glade"
"In a Garden (In a Park)"
"Landscape from Sobotka"
"Landscape with Trees"
"Lupine in Sunlight"
"Mirages (Symbolic Composition)"
"Path in the Woods"
"Path in the Woods (Chemin dans un sous-bois)"
"View of Nowa S³upia"
Pogorzelski, Jerzy"Gazebo in an Autumn Park"
Pol, Juliusz"Summer Sky, The"
Popiel, Thaddaus"After the Storm"
"At the Morskie Oko Lake (The Eye of the Sea Lake)"
"Capri, rocks of Faraglioni"
"Tatra Landscape"
Popowski, Stefan"Moonlit Night"
"Moonlit Night at the Lake"
"Moony Night"
Potrzebowski, Jerzy"Autumn"
"Rural Landscape"
Potworowski, Piotr"Sunset with Black Trees"
Procajlowicz, Antoni"Landscape with Sheaves"
Pronaszko, Zbigniew"Landscape"
"Landscape from Strzyzow"
"Landscape from Strzyzow"
"On a Country Road"
Pruszkowski, Witold"Barrows at Night"
"Moonlit Landscape"
Przebindowski, Zdzislaw"Botanical Garden in Cracow"
Raczynski, Aleksander"Cows"
Raczynski, Anastazy"Romantic Landscape"
Radnicki, Zygmunt"Houses in Green Landscape"
Rapacki, Jozef"At Dusk"
"At the Bonfire"
"Autumn - Flight of the Cranes"
"Before the Rain"
"Birch on Heathland"
"Edge of a Forest"
"Field of Heather"
"Forest Lake"
"Forest Landscape"
"Heather and Birches"
"Italian Landscape"
"Landscape with a Boat"
"Landscape with Nenuphars"
"Marsh Marigolds"
"Mazovian Landscape"
"Road among Birches"
"Rural Morning"
"Shrine on an Old Willow"
"Stream at Spring"
Rej, Aleksandra"Seaside Forest"
Reyzner, Mieczyslaw"Bench under an Oak Tree"
Rodakowski, Henryk"Dniester River"
"French Landscape"
Rossowski, Wladyslaw"In the Park"
Rouba, Michal"Landscape with a Willow Tree"
"Romantic Landscape"
Rozwadowski, Zygmunt"Landscape"
Rubczak, Jan"John III Sobieski Monument in the Royal Baths Park"
"Luxembourg Garden"
"Southern France"
"Southern Landscape"
"Summer Landscape"
"Winter Landscape"
"Wooden Church in Wozniki near Wadowice"
Rudzka-Cybisowa, Hanna"Bridge over the Seine"
"Farm in Podhale, The"
Ruminkiewicz, Krystyna"Landscape"
Ruskiewicz, Franciszek"Lanscape with a Boat"
Ruszczyc, Ferdynand"Apple Trees in an Orchard"
"Barn in Bohdanow"
"Cottage on Pillars"
"Emptiness - Old Nest"
"Forest Stream"
"Indian Summer"
"Landscape (Study for Earth)"
"Landscape Study"
"Landscape with Clouds"
"Mill in Winter"
"Old Apple-Trees"
"On the Banks of the Wilejka"
"Park in Spring"
"Sea Coast"
"Thistles on the Seashore. Rugia"
"Trees and Shadows"
Ruszkowski, Zdzislaw"Coastal Scene with Rocks"
Rybkowski, Tadeusz"From the Town"
"Rural Landscape with a Shrine"
"Stud in Sniatynka"
Rychter-Janowska, Bronislawa"Entrance Gate"
"In front of Manor"
"Manor House in Autumn"
"Mediterranean landscape with religious statue"
"Winter Landscape with Cottages"
Rzepinski, Czeslaw"Landscape"
Sadowski, Czeslaw"Piaski"
Sajewski, Andrzej Andrea"Journey in Time"
Sarnowicz, Aleksander"Before the Storm - Road among Fields"
Schouppé, Alfred"Smugglers in Tatra Mountains"
"View of Ilza"
"View of Tatra Mountains"
Schreter (Szreter), Zygmunt"Landscape"
"Landscape of Israel"
"Provencal Landscape"
Segal, Simon"Brittany Landscape"
"Spring in La Hague"
Serwin-Oracki, Mieczyslaw"Landscape"
"Storm Clouds over the Bieszczady Mountains"
Setkowicz, Adam"Cottage Outside a Village"
"Return from the Field"
"Rural Scene"
"Winter Landscape"
Sichulski, Kazimierz"At the Edge of the Village"
"Blossoming Trees"
"Church, The"
Sidorowicz, Zygmunt"At Sunset"
"Autumn Landscape with Cottages"
"Autumnal Landscape in the Evening"
"Country Idyll"
"Gipsy Camp"
"In a Forest at Sunset"
"Landscape at Sunset"
"Landscape with a Bridge"
"Landscape with Water in the Foreground"
"Near the Forest"
"Rural Road in Autumn"
Siemiradzki, Henryk"Idyll"
"Near Castel Gandolfo"
"Road from Rome to Albano"
"Roman Idyll - Fishing"
Sienicki, Jacek"Landscape"
Siwecki, Alojzy"Landscape of Capri"
Skoczylas, Wladyslaw"Castle and Church in Kazimierz Dolny, The"
Skrzynska, Magdalena"Autumn"
"Autumn Landscape"
"Autumn Landscape with Stinging Nettle"
"Black Elder"
"Black Elder"
"End of the Summer"
"Junipers at Dusk"
"Landscape with a Meadow"
"Landscape with Grasses"
"Landscape with Jasiones"
"Landscape with Nettle"
"Marsh Marigolds"
"My Landscape"
"On the Way to Zgorzaly Most"
"Summer Landscape"
"Summer Landscape"
"Three Cornflowers"
"Three Wild Apple Trees"
"Two Mulleins"
"Walking Deck in Cisy"
"Wild Elder"
"Winter Landscape"
"Withered Yarrow"
Skrzypek, Grzegorz"Pine Tree"
Slendzinski, Ludomir"Above Subalpine Forests - Tatra Mountains"
"Bialy Dunajec"
"Near Assisi"
"Ostia Marina"
"Thermae of Caracalla (Terme di Caracalla), The"
Slewinski, Wladyslaw"Landscape of Czarnolas"
"Little Town in Brittany"
"Marine Landscape with a Little Boat"
"Sea in Brittany"
"View of Bay"
"Winter Landscape near Zakopane"
Smuglewicz, Franciszek"Visit to the Baths of Titus (Vestigia delle Terme di Tito e Loro interne pitture)"
Sokolowski, Sigmond"Venice"
Sonnewend, Stefan"On Chodzieskie Lake. Fisherman and His Daughter"
Spasowicz, Magdalena"Churches"
"Landscape with Boats"
"Urban Landscape"
"Urban Landscape"
"Urban Landscape with a Cart"
Spitzer, Walter"Figures in a landscape"
Stabrowski, Kazimierz"Landscape with a River"
"Waft of Autumn"
Stachiewicz, Piotr"Landscape"
Stanislawski, Jan"Autumn Landscape"
"Autumn Landscape with a Stream"
"Church over the Dnieper River"
"Clouds on the Dnieper"
"Cottage Houses in Pustowaria"
"Cottage in Popovka in Ukraine"
"Dnieper River"
"Dnieper River"
"Field of Grain"
"Flowers on the Steppe"
"Garden in Sunshine"
"In the Cemetery"
"Landscape - Green Bushes"
"Landscape - Meadow"
"Landscape of Sieniawa on the River Rosia"
"Landscape with a Pine Tree"
"Landscape with a Poplar Tree"
"Moon - Tyniec"
"Mountainous Landscape"
"Orchard. Biala Cerkiew"
"Park in Zakopane in Winter"
"Piekary near Tyniec"
"Poplars near the Water"
"Poppy Flowers in a Garden"
"Pustawarnia in Ukraine"
"Sapphire Dnieper"
"Small Landscape"
"Somewhere in Ukraine"
"Somewhere in Ukraine"
"Steppe Landscape"
"Summer Landscape"
"Sunflowers and Cottages"
"Ukrainian Landscape"
"Ukrainian Thistle"
"Ukrainian Thistle"
"Ukrainian Thistle"
"Ukrainian Thistle"
"View of Kosciuszko Mound"
"White Church in Ukraine"
"Windmills (Midday)"
"Winter Landscape"
"Winter Landscape"
"Winter Landscape"
"Winter Landscape"
"Zakopane in Winter"
"Zakopane in Winter (Cyhrla - Zakopane)"
Stankiewicz, Zofia"Bulrush"
Stanko, Michal"Cottages in the Mountains"
"Tatra Mountains"
Steller, Pawel"Landscape of Jaworze"
"Tatra Landscape"
"View from Poronin"
"Winter in Zabnica"
"Winter Landscape near Wisla"
Stern, Jonasz"Landscape with a Cottage"
Streitt, Franciszek"Bifurcation of the Roads"
"Gypsies On the Road"
"On the Road in Autumn"
Strzeminski, Wladyslaw"Lodz Landscape"
Styka, Adam"Island of Philae, The"
"Rocky Coast"
"Thebes - Sunset over the Nile"
Styka, Jan"Landscape"
"Landscape of Raclawice"
Suchodolski, January"Partisans Fleeing"
Suchodolski, Mieczyslaw"On the Way to the Market"
Swiderski, Jan"Landscape of Bulgaria"
"Landscape with Trees"
Swierzynski, Saturnin"View of Tyniec near Cracow"
Swieszewski, Aleksander"Alpine Landscape"
"Alpine Landscape near Brunnen"
"Alpine Landscape with a Lake"
"Alpine Landscape with a Lake"
"At a Mountain Lake"
"Boaters at Sunset"
"Hikers in the Alps"
"Italian Landscape"
"Landscape with a Lake"
"Landscape with a Tall Pine Tree"
"Nocturne - Landscape with a Lake"
"Road to a Village"
"Rural Landscape with a Windmill"
"Rural Scene"
"Summer Landscape"
"View on the Alps"
"Village Maslowice"
Szancenbach, Jan"Autumn Ride"
"Carol Singers"
"Landscape of Harenda"
"Mountain Lake"
"Rising Mist III"
Szankowski, Boleslaw"Landscape"
Szczyglinski, Henryk"Spring"
"Winter Landscape"
Szermentowski, Jozef"Country Road"
"Lake in a Forest"
"Landscape with a River"
"Landscape with Bird Hunters"
"Monastery of the Holy Cross"
"Morning Star"
"Pieniny Mountains, The"
"Pyrenees, The"
"Rest of the Ploughman, The"
"River Landscape (near Paris?)"
"Rural Landscape"
Szerner, Wladyslaw"Going to Wedding"
"Gooseherd Braiding a Wreath"
Szpondrowski, Karol"Giewont"
Szrajer, Seweryn"Fishing in the River"
"Walk at the Edge of the Forest"
Szygell, Stanislaw"Bank of Narew River"
"Before the Storm"
"Haystacks in Sunlight"
"Holy Cross Valley"
"Road to a Manor"
Szymaniuk, Antoni"On the Forest Path"
Szymanowski, Waclaw"Blooming Apple-Tree"
Starykon"Beginning of Spring, The"
Terlecki, Alfred"Huts in Snow"
"Morskie Oko Lake"
"Morskie Oko Lake"
Terlikowski, Wlodzimierz"Castle on the Hill"
"French Jura"
"From the Journey to Marocco"
"Hill, The"
"Lanscape with Houses"
"Lazy Summer Day"
Tetmajer, Wlodzimierz"Country Road"
"Road through the Village"
Trojanowski, Wincenty"Early Morning on the Lake"
Trusz, Ivan"Church"
"Crimean Landscape"
"Dawn on the Dniepr"
"Dnieper River"
"Dnieper River"
"Eastern Landscape"
"Evening Landscape - Road"
"Evening Sun"
"Italian Landscape"
"Italian Landscape"
"Landscape with a Pine Tree"
"Landscape with View of a Lake"
"Mediterranean Cost, The"
"Mount Etna"
"Mountainous Landscape"
"Pine Tree"
"Pine Tree"
"River Landscape"
"River Meander"
"Stand-Alone Pine Tree"
"Sunset in the South"
"Sunset over the Bay"
"Sunset over the Steppe"
"Vast River Landscape at Sunset"
"Water Mill"
"Yacht on the Dnieper River"
Trzaska, Krzysztof"Birches"
Tyl, Bronislaw"Rutki"
Uziemblo, Henryk"Before the Harvest"
"Church Limes"
"Landscape near Cracow"
"Willows over the Pond"
"Winter Day"
Vogel, Zygmunt"Lazienki Palace in Moonlight"
Wachtel, Wilhelm"On the Shore of the Wörther See, Pörtschach, Austria"
Waliszewski, Zygmunt"Landscape"
"Landscape from Meaux"
Wankie, Wladyslaw"Autumn"
"In the Mountains"
Wasikiewicz, Anna"At Night"
"Country Road"
"Field of Buckwheat"
"Field with Willows"
"Forgotten Cottage"
"Forgotten Landscape"
"Green Point"
"In the Karkonosze Mountains"
"In the Karkonosze Mountains"
"In the Mountains"
"Landscape with a House"
"Mountain Stream"
"Narewka River"
"Near a Pond"
"Ordinary Landscape"
"Panoramic View of Rawa Mazowiecka"
"Pink Road"
"Quiet Lake"
"Red Landscape"
"Reminiscence of a Journey"
"Somewhere in Poland"
"Somewhere Outside the Town"
"Space in Grey"
"Under a Bridge"
"Under a Bridge"
"Yellow Landscape II"
Wasilewski, Czeslaw"Dawn over the Lake"
"Family of Wild Boars"
"In a Steppe - Hunting with Greyhounds"
"Moose in a Winter Forest"
"Wood-Grouse Courting"
Wasiolek, Jozef"Snowy Landscape"
Wasner, Artur"Alpine Landscape"
"Stone Bridge"
Wasowicz, Waclaw"Landscape with a Church"
"Orlowo Bay"
"View of Salwator"
Watorski, Mieczyslaw"Swans"
Weiss, Wojciech"Autumn"
"In the Garden"
"Kalwarian Landscape"
"Landscape with a Red Tree"
"Landscape with a Tree"
"Landscape with an Alley"
"Landscape with Sheaves"
"On a Lake"
"Spring Orchard with a Church"
"Summer Day"
"Summer Landscape"
"View from a Window"
"Winter Landscape in Kalwaria"
Weiss, Irena"Dunajec Passing Through Szaflary"
"Kalwarian Landscape with a View of the Monastery"
"Kalwarian Landscape with Sheaves"
"Landscape with Willows"
"Vistula's Meander with a view of Skalka Church"
Weissberg, Leon"Barges"
Wels, Aleksander"By the Water"
"Landscape with Water"
Weyssenhoff, Henryk"Snow"
Wieczorek, Edward"Landscape with a River"
Wieloglowski, Artur Waclaw"Beginning of Spring, The"
Wierusz-Kowalski, Alfred"Caucasian Patrol"
"Cows in a Paddock"
"Merry Ride"
"On the Desert"
"Rest in a Desert"
"Wedding, The"
Wilczek, Kornel"Autumn Sonata"
"Magic of the Orient"
"November on the Meadow"
"Warm Waters of the South"
"Wonderful Balos"
Winkler, Konrad"Castle in Ojcow"
Wisznicki, Mikolaj"Industrial Landscape"
Wiszniewski, Eugeniusz"At Sunrise"
"Autumn Forest"
"Biebrza River in Winter"
"Biebrza River Marshes"
"Birch Forest"
"Birchwood Forest"
"Forest in Autumn"
"Forest in Fog"
"Forest Mist"
"Forest Mist"
"Krutynia River"
"Landscape of Podlasie"
"Narew River"
"Road to the Wetlands"
"Tree Alone"
"Tributary of the Narew River"
Witkiewicz, Stanislaw"Czarny Staw (Black Lake)"
"Mountain Wind"
"Nest of Winter"
"Springtime Fog"
"Winter Landscape"
Witkiewicz (Witkacy), Stanislaw Ignacy"Australian Landscape"
"Australian Landscape"
"Australian Landscape"
"Autumn Landscape"
"Forest Pond"
"Hinczowe Stawy"
"Italian Landscape"
"Landscape with Red Trees"
"Mountainous Landscape"
"Nocturnal Landscape"
"Winter Landscape II"
Witkowski, Romuald Kamil"Landscape"
Wodzinowski, Wincenty"Forest"
"Garden in Swoszowice"
"In the Park"
Wojcik, Henryk"Landscape with a House"
Wojnarski, Jan"Landscape"
"Summer Landscape"
Wojniakowski, Kazimierz"View of Royal Baths Park"
Wojtkiewicz, Witold"Landscape near Cracow"
Wozniak, Dominik"Forest Scenery"
"Landscape of Clubs"
"Landscape with Water"
Wroblewski, Konstanty"Kazimierz on Vistula River"
Wroblewski, Andrzej"Waganowice - Harvest"
Wronski, Stanislaw"Returning Home"
Wrzeszcz, Eugeniusz"Summer Landscape"
"Two Women in a Forest"
Wyczolkowski, Leon"At the Foot of Wawel Castle in Krakow"
"Autumn in Mountains"
"Barrow in Ukraine"
"Cypress Alley (Grenada)"
"Czarny Staw (Black Lake)"
"Forest in Zakopane"
"Giewont at Sunset"
"Huts in Snow"
"Landscape after Sunset"
"Landscape from Jaremcz"
"Landscape near Cracow"
"Landscape of Jaremcza"
"Marine Landscape from Polaga"
"Mnich Looking Over Morskie Oko"
"Morskie Oko seen from Czarny Staw"
"Mountainous Landscape"
"Prut River, The"
Wydra, Jan"Landscape from Kazimierz"
Wygrzywalski, Felix Michael"Near the Stream"
"View from a Window"
Wysocka, Emilia"Autumn Landscape"
Wyspianski, Stanislaw"Landscape with a River"
"Lowland Landscape with a River"
"Planty Park at Dawn"
"View of Kosciuszko Mound"
"View of Kosciuszko Mound"
"View of Kosciuszko Mound"
"View of Kosciuszko Mound"
"View of Kosciuszko Mound"
"View of Kosciuszko Mound"
"View of Kosciuszko Mound as seen from the Artist's Studio"
"View of Kosciuszko Mound as seen from the Artist's Studio"
"View of Kosciuszko Mound as seen from the Artist's Studio"
"View of Kosciuszko Mound as seen from the Artist's Studio"
"View of the Wawel"
"Vistula River"
"Vistula River near Cracow"
Wyszkowski, M."Winter Landscape"
Wywiorski-Gorstkin, Michal"Afterglow"
"At a Lake"
"Autumn Landscape"
"Bay with a Pink House"
"Before the Storm"
"Black Pond in the Tatra Mountains, The"
"Fisherman's Hut"
"Forest in Winter"
"Grey Day"
"Landscape of Poland"
"Landscape with a Stream"
"Last Sun Ray"
"Manor House in Wielki Gaj (Ukrainian Village)"
"Mountain Pass"
"Park in Autumn"
"Ruins on a Hilltop"
"Scene in the Dolomites, South Tyrol"
"Stream in the Autumn Park"
"Winter Landscape"
"Winter Landscape of Rogalin"
"Winter Landscape with a Stream"
"Winter Landscape with Road Shrine"
"Wooden Bridge"
Zygmuntowicz, Ignacy"Dawn over the Lake"
"Family of Wild Boars"
"In a Steppe - Hunting with Greyhounds"
"Moose in a Winter Forest"
"Wood-Grouse Courting"
Zak, Eugène"Bathing Woman (Idyll)"
"Couple in Landscape"
"House on the Hill"
"Idyll (Couple by the Lake)"
"Idyll - Landscape with a Reclining Man"
"Idyllic Landscape with Sheep"
"Landscape from the South Coast"
"Landscape with Human Figure"
"Landscape with Sailors"
"Landscape with Wanderer"
"Landscape with Wanderer"
"Southern Landscape"
Zakrzewski, Wlodzimierz"Birch Grove"
"Forest Path"
"Holy Cross Mountains"
"Olive Grove in Calabria"
"Winter Landscape"
Zaleski, Teofil"Rural Landscape"
Zawadowski (Zawado), Jan Wac³aw"Platanus in a Park"
Zejmo, Dariusz"Boca do Inferno. Portugal"
"Spring in Corfu"
"Stone Pine"
Zimmermann, Jozef"Branicki Park in Bialystok"
Zinkow, Jerzy"Kazimierz Plein Air"
Ziomek, Teodor"Evening"
"Forest Clearing"
"In Winter Sunshine"
"River in Snow"
"River Meander"
Znamierowski, Czeslaw"Summer Landscape with a Windmill"
Zukowski (Станислав Юлианович ЖУКОВСКИЙ), Stanislaw"After the Rain"
"At the Sea Shore"
"Autumn in Naidionov Park, Moscow"
"Autumnal Forest Track"
"Country House at Dusk in Winter"
"Evening Shadows"
"Forest in the Springtime"
"Forest Interior"
"Forest Path, Winter"
"Landscape of Polesie"
"Landscape with a Lake"
"Landscape with a River"
"Manor House"
"Meadow View"
"Niemen River"
"Snow Clearing"
"Snowy Path in the Forest"
"Spring Day by a Woodland’s Edge"
"Spring Landscape"
"Spring To Come, The"
"Summer Day"
"Summer Landscape"
"Summer Lanscape"
"Summer's Day"
"Tatra Mountains, The"
"Under Trees during Winter"
"Winter Landscape"
"Winter Landscape"
"Winter Landscape"
"Winter Rays"
"Winter Road at Night"
Zurawski, Stanislaw"Autumn in Wisla"
"Mountainous Landscape"
"Winter in Tatra Mountains"
Zwan, Kazimierz"Romantic Landscape"
Zyndram Maszkowski, Karol"Winter Landscape near Zabi"