Genre scenes in Polish Paintings
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Abramowicz, Bronislaw
"Congress of Cracow, The"
Adamczyk, Piotr
"Farinelli in the Garden of Palacio Real de la Granja"
Ajdukiewicz, Thaddaus von
"First Mercedes in Poland, The"
Ajdukiewicz, Sigismund
Axentowicz, Teodor
"Blessing of the Waters"
"Blessing of the Waters"
"Feast of Jordan"
"Hucul Funeral"
"Hucul Funeral"
"Market Day"
Bakalowicz, Stefan
"Feeding the Doves"
"Lovers, The"
Bakalowicz, Ladislaus
"At French Court"
"Badminton Game"
"Ball at the Court of Henry of Valois"
"Court of Valois"
"Court scene"
"Dance in the Inn, The"
"Inviting to Dance"
"Lady with a Greyhound"
"Lecture on a Sonnet"
"Recital, The"
"Suitor, The"
Barski, Leonard
"Genre Scene with Jews"
Behrmann, Adolf (Abraham)
Bellotto (Canaletto), Bernardo
"Colonel Piotr Königsfels Teaching Prince Józef Poniatowski How to Ride a Horse"
Benedyktowicz, Ludomir Ludwik Dominik
"Picking Violets"
Bergman, Stanislaw Wojciech
Bohusz-Siestrzencewicz, Stanislaw
"At the Market"
"In Front of an Inn"
"Return from the Hunt"
Boncza-Rutkowski, Wladyslaw
"Country Scene"
"Return from Church"
"Scene in front of a Manor House"
"Talking Peasants"
Boncza-Tomaszewski, Julian
"Under the Unbrella"
Borowski, Waclaw
"In front of a House"
Borysowski, Stanislaw
"At the Market"
Brandt, Jozef
"Caravan, The"
"Cossack's Wedding"
"Market in Balta"
"Returning Home"
"Song of the Cossak Victors"
"Start to the Hunt"
Buchbinder, Szymon
"Chess Game"
Bugzester, Maxim
"A Day in the Park"
Chelminski, Jan van
"Advance Patrol, The"
"Family on Horseback"
"Horse Market"
"Meeting at Road"
"Morning Ride along the Bluffs"
"Sledge Ride"
Chelmonski, Jozef
"Before an Inn"
"Before an Inn - Autumn Landscape"
"Before the Rain"
"Dance - oberek"
"Dawn after the Folk Dance"
"In a Wagon of 3rd Class in Russia"
"Market. Selling of the Horse"
"On a Hunt"
"Peasant Girl with a Jug"
"Return from the Wedding"
"Saturday's Payday on the Farm"
Chmielinski, Wladyslaw
"Market Day in Winter"
"Sleigh Ride"
"Troika Rushing through a Village"
"Wild Sleigh Ride"
Chwistek, Leon
Czachorski, Wladyslaw
Debicki, Stanislaw
"To the Cheder"
Dmochowski, Wincenty
"At the Ferry - View of Pinsk"
Dobrzycki, Zygmunt
"Feast in a Forest"
Dunin Borkowski, Alfons
"Hunting a Fox"
Eisman-Semenowsky, Emile
"Harvest Festival"
Eleszkiewicz, Stanislaw
"Couple in Love"
Epstein, Henryk
Erb, Erno
"Market Day"
"Market Day"
"Market Day in Lviv"
"Selling a Cow to a Jew"
"Tradeswomen in a Market"
Falat, Julian
"After the Hunt in Nieswieze"
"Duck Hunting"
"Hunting in Nieswiez"
"Hunting in Nieswieze"
"Hunting in Nieswieze"
"Hunting Scene"
"On a Deck of the Ship (Colombo, Ceylon)"
"Return from Bear Hunting, The"
False, John
"A Dangerous Sleigh Ride"
"Carriage Ride"
"Carriage Ride"
"Cossacks Fording"
"Shepherd Riding a Horse"
"Winter scene with hunters"
"Winter Scenery with Trojka"
Garfinkiel, David
"Wedding, The"
Gassowski, Arthur
"Last Rite, The"
Gedlek, Ludwik
"Accident on Road"
"At the River Crossing"
"Broken Wheel"
"Carpet Dealer on a Journey across the Country"
"Cossacks on a Country Road"
"Cossacks Resting"
"Evening in the Puszta"
"Horse Market in Poland"
"Resting by the Road"
"Return from the Hunt"
"Riders Before a Deep River (Reiter bei der rast vor tiefer)"
"Riders Resting"
Gierymski, Maksymilian
"Departure for the Hunt"
"Horse Cavalcade"
"Riding Lesson"
"Spring in a Small Town - sketch II"
"Sunday Stroll"
"Winter in a Small Town"
Gierymski, Aleksander
"Bank of the Vistula"
"Court scene from Shakespeares Merchant of Venice"
"Italian siesta"
"Old Town Gate"
"Playing Morra"
Glebocki, Adrian
"Travelling Salesman"
Gotlib, Henryk
"Workers Drinking Beer"
Grocholski, Stanislaw
"Death of an Orphant"
"Praying Jew"
Grott, Teodor
Grottger, Artur
"Settling Accounts"
Hofman, Vlastimil
"Musical Trio"
"Saint Christopher"
"Taking to a Girl"
Holzmüller, Juliusz
"Horse and Dog"
Izdebski-Cruz, Krzysztof
Jarocki, Wladyslaw
"Hunter in Winter"
Jaroszynski, Joseph
"Riders Returning Home"
"Winter Hunt"
Jasinski, Zdzislaw Piotr
"Inside the Hut"
Kaczor-Batowski, Stanislaw
"Arrival of the Expected Guest, The"
Kanelba (Kanelbaum), Rajmund
"Punch and Judy show, The"
Karpinski, Alfons
"At the Kermesse"
"At the Market"
"Family Arround the Well"
Kasprowicz, Jan Maksymilian
Kasprzycki, Wincenty
"View of Wilanow Palace"
Kedzierski, Apoloniusz
"Jews in Front of an Inn"
Kleczynski, Bohdan
"On the Move"
Kochanowski, Roman
"Farmstead at the Forest Edge"
Konarski, J.
"Before the Hunt"
"Coach Ride"
"Coach Ride"
"Joyful Ride"
"Saddling the Horse"
"Sledge Ride"
"Sleigh Ride"
"Through the Snow"
"Through the Snow"
Kossak, Jerzy
"Galloping through the Snowy Village"
Kossak, Wojciech
"Departing for the Hunt"
"Raid, The"
Kossak, Karol
"Snowy Landscape and Sledders"
Kossak, Juliusz
"Cossack and a Girl at the Well"
"Lesson of Hunting with a Falcon"
"Polish Cavalryman"
"Szymon Mohort Presenting the Stud Farm to Prince Joseph Poniatowski"
Kostrzewski, Franciszek
"Circus at Saska Kepa"
"Country Wedding near Warsaw"
"Mushroom Picking"
"Quarrel with Jewish Merchant"
"Return from the Market"
"Rural Genre Scene"
"Rural Kermesse"
Kotarbinski, Wilhelm
"Eveneing at the Terrace"
"On the Terrace"
"Playing Dice in Ancient Rome"
"Young Carpenter, The"
Kotsis, Aleksander
"Country Salesman"
"Gypsies with a Bear"
"Quarreling Gypsies"
Kozakiewicz, Antoni
"Bagpipe Concert"
"Gipsy Family"
"Market in Galician Town"
"Mobile Theatre"
Kruszewski, Jozef Wincenty
"In the Court"
Kuczborski, Stanislaw
Kwiatkowski, Teofil
"Ball Scene"
Labanowski, Jerzy
"Genre Scene"
Langerman, Henryk (Chaim)
Lebenstein, Jan
"Abraham meets Sarah"
"Salon Scene"
Leopolski, Wilhelm
"Sunday in the Belvedere Garden (Ein Sonotag im Belvederegarten)"
Loeffler, Leopold
"Attendance of the Minister (Besuch des Pastors)"
"Letter, The"
Loevy, Edward
"On the Bicycles (Tout le monde à Bicyclette)"
Los, Wlodzimierz
"Waiting for a Ferry"
Lubieniecki, Christoffel
"Food Lovers"
"Travelling Seller"
Luskina, Wlodzimierz
"Good Time"
Makowski, Tadeusz
"Old farmhouses in a French village"
Malczewski, Jacek
"In a Jewish shop"
Markowicz, Artur
"Back Stage"
"Chess Game"
Marszewski, Jozef
Maslowski, Stanislaw
"Spring Day"
Maszkowski, Jan
"In an Inn"
Matejko, Jan
"Gamrat and Stanczyk"
Mehoffer, Jozef
"Sketch for the painting The Conversation"
Menkes, Sigmund Joseph
"Birthday Party, The"
"Summer Afternoon"
Michalowski, Piotr
"Falling off a Horse"
Miklasiewicz, Jaroslaw
Moniuszko, Jan Czeslaw
"Conversation with Wine"
"In Bacciarelli's studio"
Mroczkowski, Aleksander
Najbor, Wiktor
"Chest Full of Secrets"
"Criminal Case"
"Free Saturday"
"Such a Situation"
Niemczykiewicz, Konstanty
"Genre Scene in front of Church in Mogila"
Norblin de la Gourdaine, Jean Pierre
"Minuet in the Garden"
"Society on Excursion to a Lake"
Orlowski, Aleksander
"Cossacks Resting their Horses"
"In an Inn in Czestochowa"
"Soldiers in an Inn"
Osostowicz, Stanislaw
Pankiewicz, Jozef
"All Souls' Day at Pow±zki Cemetery in Warsaw"
"Flower Market Outside the Madeleine Church"
"Market at Kleparski Square in Cracow"
"Peasants in Front of a Church"
"Vegetable Market in the Iron Gate Square in Warsaw"
Pautsch, Fryderyk
"Hucul Funeral"
"Street Scene"
Pawlikiewicz, Jozef
"Turkish Street Scene"
Pawliszak, Waclaw
"Playing Dice"
Piasecki, Leszek
"Busy Market"
"Carpet Seller, The"
"Carpet Seller in a Polish Village"
"Colourful Market Scene"
"Hunting Scene"
"Market Day"
"Oriental Market Scene"
"Oriental Market Scene"
Pierzynski, Edward
"Wolves Attack"
Piotrowski, Antoni
"At the Market"
"Cracked Ice, The"
Piwarski, Jan Feliks
"Inn - Last Cent, The"
"Market in Opatow"
Pochwalski, Kasper
"Genre Scene, The"
"In a Theatre"
Radziejowski, Stanislaw
Rapacki, Jozef
"Field of Heather"
"In Front of an Inn"
Rodakowski, Henryk
"Chicken War"
Rosen, Jan
"Hunting Par Force"
"Important Message"
Rozwadowski, Zygmunt
"Asking for Directions"
"At the Blacksmith's"
"Circus Life"
"Entering the Town"
Ruszczyc, Ferdynand
"Timber Boat, The"
Rybkowski, Tadeusz
"After Kermesse near Cracow"
"Harvest in Poland near Cracow"
"Horses and Carts in a Polish Village"
"Merry Party Returning Home"
"On the Way to the Market"
"Return from a Market"
"Returning Home after the Hunt"
Setkowicz, Adam
"Home Journey in a Sledge"
"Rural Scene"
"Sleigh in front of Cottage"
"Sleigh Ride to Church"
"Village Girl"
Siemiradzki, Henryk
"Bringing Comfort and Help"
"Herod's Feast"
"Patrician's Siesta, The"
"Phryne at the Festival of Poseidon in Eleusis"
"Vase Salesman"
"Young Angler, The"
"Young Orpheus"
Slabiak, Juliusz
"Best Man, The"
Slendzinski, Ludomir
Sokolowski, Sigmond
"Unexpected Advance"
Stattler, Wojciech Korneli
"Peasant Girl with Tambourine"
Streitt, Franciszek
"At the Well"
"Resting Gipsies"
"Village Musicans"
"Wandering Gypsies"
Stryjenska, Zofia
"Dousing Womenfolk on Easter Monday"
"Meeting in the Forest"
Stryowski (Stryjowski), Wilhelm August
"Hope for a Food"
"Polish Nobility in Gdansk"
"Raftsmen's Camp by the Vistula River"
Styka, Adam
"Enjoying the Moment"
"The Banks of Nile"
Suchodolski, January
"Hunting for a Deer"
"In the Salon of Senator Franciszek Skibicki"
Szermentowski, Jozef
"Country Baptism"
"In Front of the Church"
Szerner, Wladyslaw Karol
"Resting by a Farmhouse Garden"
"Riding the Horse"
"Soldier on the Horse"
Szerner, Wladyslaw
"In Front of an Inn"
"In Front of the Cracovian Inn"
"Market in a Town near Cracow"
"Stoping for a Conversation"
Szlegel, Korneli
"Polonaise under the Sky"
Szymanowski, Waclaw
"In a Small Town"
Tetmajer, Wlodzimierz
"Blessing of the Easter Baskets in Bronowice, The"
"Genre Scene - Bronowice"
"In a Field"
"In Front of a Cottage"
"Procession in Bronowice"
"Rural Scene"
"Talking on a Country Road"
"Wedding in Bronowice"
Tondos, Stanislaw
"Kazimierz, the Old Jewish District of Cracow"
Unierzyski, Jozef
"Before an Inn"
Wachtel, Wilhelm
"On the Shore of the Wörther See, Pörtschach, Austria"
Wankie, Wladyslaw
"During the Executive Directory"
"On the Terrace"
Wasilewski, Czeslaw
"After the Wild Boar Hunt"
"In a Small Town"
"Narrow Path"
"On the Way to the Market"
"Sleigh Ride"
"Wild Ride"
"Wild Sleigh Ride"
"Wolfs Attack"
Wasowicz, Waclaw
"THree Ladies"
Wdowiszewski, Czeslaw
Weber, Max
"Cyclist in the Park"
Wedrychowski, Lucjan
"In the Exile"
"Medicine Man"
Weiss, Wojciech
"Ice Skating"
Wieloglowski, Artur Waclaw
"In a Small Town"
Wierusz-Kowalski, Alfred
"Accident in a Journey"
"At Dawn Throght the Snow"
"Autumn Landscape"
"Cheerful Coach Journey,"
"Coach Journey"
"Departure for the Hunt"
"Horse-Drawn Sleigh"
"Interesting News"
"Joyful Ride"
"Polish Peasants in their Horse Carts"
"Polish Postman, The"
"Postal Service in a Provincial Town"
"Requisition, The"
"Sleigh Party"
"Sleigh Ride"
"Troika Pursued by Wolves"
"Waiting for the Master"
"Wedding Caravan, The"
"Windy Day"
"Wolves Attack"
Witkiewicz, Stanislaw
"On the Country Road"
Wodzinowski, Wincenty
"On the Way to a Market"
Wodzinski, Jozef
"House Concert"
Wojniakowski, Kazimierz
"Society Gathering in a Park"
Wojtkiewicz, Witold
"Christ and Chilldren"
"Leader of the Dance"
"Pentecost Holiday Fair near Cracow"
Wolski, Jan
"Hunting Scene"
"Sleigh Ride with Troika"
"Wolves Attack"
Wolski, Stanislaw Pomian
"In Front of an Inn in Podole"
Wronski, Stanislaw
"Returning Home"
Wyczolkowski, Leon
"Happy Boys"
"Picking Beetroots I"
Wygrzywalski, Felix Michael
"In the yard of the Maharaja's Palace"
"Rural Politicians"
Wywiorski-Gorstkin, Michal
"Hunter in the Snow Warming his Hands by a Fire "
"Rest on the Way"
"Return from the Hunt"
"Silk Merchants, The"
Zygmuntowicz, Ignacy
"After the Wild Boar Hunt"
"In a Small Town"
"Narrow Path"
"On the Way to the Market"
"Sleigh Ride"
"Wild Ride"
"Wild Sleigh Ride"
"Wolfs Attack"
Zak, Eugène
"Drinking Woman"
Zaleski, Marcin
"Guests Arrival"
Zuber, Juliusz
Zwan, Kazimierz
"Idyllic Scene"