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| Koniczek - Identity Crisis (028)
Krzysztof Koniczek
"Identity Crisis”
oil, acrylic on canvas,
dimensions: 130 x 120 cm
contact: galeria.artyzm@gmail.com
 | Krzysztof Koniczek was born in Olecko. Studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Poznan in the Faculty of Painting, Graphics and Sculpture. Graduated from Prof. Waldemar Swierzy Studio. He had his first individual exhibition in the middle of 1980s - at the time when the young were really angry as a result of the crisis of the avant-garde from 1970s, both European and American. When we add that it was accompanied by the disappointment with politics, sociotechniques and mass culture, the phenomena prevelant at that time, such a search for new aesthetics and attitude in general, become clear. That search appeared in such radical form that the critics did not hesitate to call those extremely expressive actions of young artists “a safety pin in the chick of modern art”. That was the time when the artist expressed himself, and only himself, without rationalism and logic. All the old and new canons of Beauty were discarded; punk rock and reggae were performed, and video art and performers, the new “wild” ones, reigned in galleries.
Koniczek’s earliest canvases were the planes ostentatiously neglecting the classical composition, in addition with the colouring built upon the clash of red and green or blue and orange. Kasimir Edschmid wrote about such painting in one of the most important confessions of expressionists: “An expressionist does not see, but looks. He does not record, but lives. He does not reproduce, but creates. He does not select, but seeks.” Salome’s press comment from 1980 also perfectly squares with Koniczek’s first individual exhibition in Poznan: “ For me it is not a question of style, but the attitude to life. It is connected with the feeling of being free, with unconstrained work...” |
Pennards-Sycz, Justyna | _SOLD | Najbor, Wiktor | Nocon, Cyprian | Nocon - High Tide (11591) Nocon - Red Symphony (11308) Serwin, Magdalena | Gregula, Malgorzata | Nowakowski, Michal | Schab, David | Szynkarczuk, Jacek | Mularczyk, Urszula | Sumiga, Jan | Bembenista, Jan | Rybi, Stefan | Zyngiel, Krzysztof | Zgorzalek, Jerzy | Wisniewski, Krzysztof | Niegel Malgorzata | Garwol, Pawel | Rej, Aleksandra | Maslanka, Mariusz | Osak, Agnieszka | Wrona, Dagmara | Kalkowski, Kazimierz | Wisniewska, Elzbieta | Kwapisz, Katarzyna | Galinski, Pawel Tadeusz | Hayden, Henryk | Jarosz, Waldemar | Kovelinas, Andrejus | Sitak, Kamila | Sitak - Summer Rain (11600) Picasso, Pablo | Fijalkowski, Marek | Mikolajczak, Marcin | |