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| Koniczek - Composition (0851)
Krzysztof Koniczek
oil, acrylic on canvas,
dimensions: 100 x 50 cm
contact: galeria.artyzm@gmail.com
 | Krzysztof Koniczek was born in Olecko. Studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Poznan in the Faculty of Painting, Graphics and Sculpture. Graduated from Prof. Waldemar Swierzy Studio. He had his first individual exhibition in the middle of 1980s - at the time when the young were really angry as a result of the crisis of the avant-garde from 1970s, both European and American. |
Wasikiewicz, Anna | Schab, David | Setowski, Tomasz | Mularczyk, Urszula | Ruminkiewicz, Krystyna | Pawlak, Wlodzimierz | Koniczek, Krzysztof | Koniczek - Pillars of Heaven (11262) Garwol, Pawel | Przybyla, Marek | Przybyla - Ovum (11236) Szczech, Ireneusz | Najbor, Wiktor | Mozyro, Elzbieta (Mirela) | Wojcik, Malwina | Wozniak, Dominik | Heksel, Krzysztof | Kucharski, Tomasz | Kaleta, Dariusz | Naliwajko, Piotr | Warulik, Wlodzimierz | Przadka, Lukasz | Rychlik, Renata | Jarosz, Waldemar | Starowieyski, Franciszek | Pekacz, Marek | Niegel Malgorzata | Bak, Karol | Zejmo, Dariusz | _SOLD | Serafin, L. Tadeusz | Zyngiel, Krzysztof | Skrzypek, Grzegorz | Kruszak, Anna | Kossak, Wojciech (1856 - 1942) | Kossak - Head of the Horse (11147)