Ladislaus Herman

Ladislaus Herman Ladislaus Herman (1079-1102), son of Casimir the Restorer, was asked by the nobles to ascend the throne in Cracow after Boleslaus the Bold's flight. He married the emperor's daughter. His policy was based on alliances with the Germans and Bohemians, and the recognition of the latter's claims to Silesia. A weak ruler, he let the real power slip into the hands of the voivode Sieciech. The latter's growing influence was opposed by the nobles, who supported Ladislaus Herman's sons, first Zbigniew, and then Boleslaus. In 1097, internal disorders resulted in the division of the country between Zbigniew and his younger brother, Boleslaus the Wrymouthed. Ladislaus Herman recognised the suzerainty of the empire and therefore never crowned himself king. [art]