Military in Polish Paintings

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Ajdukiewicz, Thaddaus von"Emperor of Austria Franz Joseph I during army maneuvers"
"General Prince Leopold von Croy"
"Scene from the 1863 Insurrection"
Axentowicz, Teodor"Trusty Old Soldier"
Baginski, Stanislaw"Battle Scene"
"Cavalry Patrol"
"Disarming of German Soldiers, The"
"Uhlan and Girl"
"Uhlan Officer on Horseback"
"Watering the Horses"
Bieszczad, Seweryn"Polish Cavalry Officer on Horseback"
Boncza-Rutkowski, Wladyslaw"Skirmish"
Brandt, Jozef"Attack of the Cavalry, The"
"Batalistic Scene"
"Battle against Tatars"
"Battle of Vienna, The"
"Battle Over the Turkish Banner"
"Capture of a Caucasian Chief, The"
"Cossack Patrol by a Bonfire"
"Cossack Rider"
"Czarniecki at the battle of Koldynga"
"Departing from Wilanow"
"In Pursuit"
"Inspection of War Prisoners"
"Levée en masse at a Ford"
"March of Swedes to Kiejdany, The"
"Polish Army Marching"
"Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Forces Singing the Bogurodzica (Mother of God) Hymn Before the Battle"
"Return from the Battle of Vienna"
"Return of the Cossacks"
"Skirmish with the Swedes"
"Watch, The"
"Wild Fields, The"
"Wild Fields, The"
Brodowski, Tadeusz"Officer on a Horseback"
Brodowski, Józef"Napoleon Crosses the Elbe"
"On the Battlefield"
"Soldiers and Horses in a Stable"
Bujakiewicz, Franciszek Ksawery"At a Well"
Chelminski, Jan van"Advance Guard"
"Advance Patrol, The"
"Asking for Direction"
"At Austerlitz"
"Cossacks in the Steppe"
"Napoleon Leading His Troops Through the Sierra de Guadarrama"
"Napoleon Retreating from Moscow"
"Napoleon´s campaign in Spain"
"Napoleonic Soldiers on Patrol"
"Officer on Horseback"
"Patrol of Napoleonic Hussars"
"Retreat from Moscow, The"
"Retreat from Moscow, The"
"Retreat from Moscow, The"
"Retreat from Moscow, Russia, October 1812 (La Retraite de Moscou, Russie, Octobre 1812)"
"Village Race, The"
Chelmonski, Jozef"Army at Prayer Before the Battle of Raclawice"
"Episode of the 1863 Insurrection"
"Marching Cossacks"
"Pulaski at Czestochowa"
"Scythe-Man, The"
"Study of Soldiers"
"Zaporozhian Cossack"
Eibisch, Eugeniusz"Border Guard"
Eljasz-Radzikowski, Jan Kanty Walery"Death of Stanislav Zolkiewski in the battle of Cecora"
"John III Sobieski at the Battle of Vienna"
Fabijanski, Stanislaw Ignacy Poraj"Army Officers Riding Through the Snow"
"Cossack Withdrawing his Shashka"
False, John"Fight in the Mountains"
"Knights on Horses"
Franic, Felix"Austrian Dragoon on Horseback"
"Polish Uhlan"
Gedlek, Ludwik"Attack!"
"Cavalry Charge"
"Cossacks on a Country Road"
"Cossacks Resting"
"In Pursuit"
"Mounted Charge"
"Patrol Group"
"Patrol of Cossacks"
"Reconnaissance Patrol, The"
"Reconnaissance Patrol"
"Troops on the Move"
Geppert, Eugeniusz"Polish Light Cavalry"
"Uhlan of Polish Legions"
Gierymski, Maksymilian"1863 Insurgent"
"Charge of Russian Horse Artillery"
"Insurgents Marching out of a Village"
"Insurrectionary Patrol"
"March of Polish Uhlans in 1830"
"Polish Patrol in 1830"
"Polish Patrol in 1830"
"Reconnaissance of Austrian Hussars"
"Skirmish with Tatars"
"Staff Adjutant"
Grottger, Artur"Attack of Swedes on a German Village"
"Escadron Schritt"
Hofman, Vlastimil"Wounded Soldier, The"
Holzmüller, Juliusz"Watch, The"
Jahl, Wladyslaw"Battle"
Kaczor-Batowski, Stanislaw"Attack of the Hussars"
"Attack of the Hussars. Khotyn"
"Attack of the Hussars. Kirchholm"
"Battle of Grunwald, The"
"Battle of Zadworze"
"Charge at Rokitna, The"
"Charge of the Polish Hussars, The"
"Charge of the Polish Hussars, The"
"Grenade Explosion"
"Pulaski at Savannach"
"Scene from the 1920 War"
"Uhlan with Horses"
Kaleta, Dariusz"After the Battle"
"Battle with an Orc"
"Battle with an Orc"
"Meeting Panthera Chimera"
"Orc and Hussar"
Kiwerski, Krzysztof"Toys of Grown Up Men I"
"Toys of Grown Up Men II"
"Toys of Grown Up Men III"
"Toys of Grown Up Men IV"
"Toys of Grown Up Men IX"
"Toys of Grown Up Men V"
"Toys of Grown Up Men VII"
"Toys of Grown Up Men VIII"
"Toys of Grown Up Men X"
"Toys of Grown Up Men XI"
"Toys of Grown Up Men XIV"
Kleczynski, Bohdan"Resting Cossaks"
Kossak, Juliusz"Attack of Teutonic Knights"
"Austrian Officer"
"Battle, The"
"Battle at Parkany (Stśrovo)"
"Battle of Ignacewo"
"Battle of Ostroleka"
"Battle of Vienna"
"Battle Scene"
"Battle Scene"
"Casimir Pulaski in the Battle of Czestochowa"
"Don Cossacks"
"from the cycle Old Clothes and Armours in X - XVI century"
"Galician Uhlans Trumpeter"
"General Jan Henryk Dabrowski in Front of the Polish Legions"
"General Poniatowski"
"Insurgents' Camp at Night"
"Jan Chryzostom Pasek in Batttle of Lachowicze"
"Loyal Companion, The"
"March, March Dabrowski ..."
"Polish Chevauleger"
"Polish Riders"
"Prince Jozef Poniatowski on Horseback"
"Relief of Smolensk"
"Rittmeister - Cavalry Officer"
"Rodakowski at The Battle of Custoza"
"Stefan Czarniecki"
"Tatars Dance"
"Uhlan of Lviv National Guard"
Kossak, Karol"Polish Legion Uhlan"
Kossak, Wojciech"After the Battle of Zielence"
"Austrian Uhlan"
"Austrian Uhlan of Savona"
"Battle at Stoczek, Warsaw, The"
"Battle of Raszyn"
"Battle of the Pyramids"
"Before the Charge at Somosierra"
"Breakfast Together"
"Cavalry Patrol"
"Cavalry Reconnaissance"
"Charge of the Winged Hussars at the Battle of Kircholm"
"Common Breakfast"
"Cossack on Horseback"
"Crossing the Berezina River by Napoleon's Army"
"Cuirassier on Horseback with Young Girl"
"Cuirassier on the Snow"
"Episode of 1812"
"Escorting Prisoners of War"
"French Cuirassier"
"General Josef Sowiński in Battle"
"Girl and Soldier at a Well"
"Gunner and Girl"
"Hussar of the Great Army"
"Lviv Eaglet"
"Lviv Eaglet"
"Marshal Josef Pilsudski"
"Meeting at the Windmill"
"Military Rhapsody"
"Napoleon on the banks of Neman River"
"Napoleon's Soldiers around Bonfire"
"Portrait of Captain Antoni Dudzinski"
"Rest, The"
"Resting Riders"
"Soldier Galloping"
"Soldier of the Great Army"
"Soldier on Patrol"
"Soldier with a Horse"
"Soldiers in a Village"
"Uhlan and a Girl"
"Uhlan and a Girl. Asking for Directions"
"Uhlan and Girl"
"Uhlan and Sister of White Cross"
"Uhlan Escorting Russian Prisoners of War"
"Uhlan Lighting a Cigarette"
"Uhlan of the 1st Galician Uhlan Regiment"
"Uhlan on Horseback"
"Uhlan with a Horse"
"Uhlan with a Horse"
"Uhlans on Patrol"
"Uhlans' Patrol"
"Watch, The"
"Watering of a Horse"
"Wounded Soldier"
"Wounded Soldier with a Girl"
"Year 1812 - Snowstorm"
Kossak, Jerzy"Battle of Somosierra, 30 November 1808"
"Belina's Uhlan Pursuing the Bolshevik"
"Cavalry Artillery"
"Cavalry Marching Through the Snowy Woods"
"Charge, The"
"Charge of the Polish Light Horse at Somosierra, The"
"Crossing of the River Niemen"
"Forester's Hut, The"
"French Soldier Retreating from Moscow"
"In Pursuit"
"In Pursuit"
"In Spain. Soldier Watering a Horse"
"Napoleon and His Military Staff"
"Napoleon’s Vision"
"Napoleon's Retreat from the Russian Campaign with Memories of the Egyptian Expedition"
"Napoleonic Wars, The"
"Nice Encounter"
"On Patrol"
"Patrol on Horseback"
"Prisoner of War"
"Pursuit of the Bolshevik, The"
"Pursuit, an Episode in 1920 War"
"Retreat from Moscow, The"
"Retreat from Moscow, The"
"Retreat from Moscow, The"
"Retreat from Moscow, The"
"Retreat of the Great Army from Moscow, The"
"Retreat of the Great Army from Moscow, The"
"Riding Soldier"
"River Crossing by Napoleon"
"Scene from 1920 War"
"Soldier and Girl"
"Soldier and Girl"
"Soldier and His Horse Returning Home in a Snow Storm"
"Soldier on Horseback"
"Soldier Watering His Horse"
"Soldiers in a Snowy Landscape"
"Soldiers of the Great Army"
"Soldiers Resting (Soldaten bei der Rast)"
"Soliders at Rest"
"Uhlan Dressing a Horse"
"Uhlan on Watch"
"Uhlan Watering His Horse"
"Uhlan with Two Horses"
"Uhlan's Meal"
"Uhlans in Pursuit"
"Uhlans in Pursuit of Cossacks"
Krzyzanowski, Konrad"Portrait of the Sergeant"
Los, Wlodzimierz"Insurgents"
Lukaszewicz, Jozefat Ignacy"Count Piotr Szembek"
Macewicz-Piotrowicz, Konstanty"Battle of Berestechko"
Malczewski, Jacek"Insurgents in Combat"
Malecki, Wladyslaw Aleksander"Army March Past"
"Forward Patrol"
"Insurgents Marching"
Maslowski, Stanislaw"Spring of 1905"
Matejko, Jan"Battle of Grunwald, The"
"Bohdan Chmielnicki and Tuhaj-Bej at Lviv"
"King Jan Sobieski Takes the Banner at the Battle of Vienna"
"Kosciuszko at the Battle of Raclawice"
"Kosciuszko at the Battle of Raclawice"
"Study of Fighting Men"
"Virgin of Orleans"
Mecina-Krzesz, Jozef Feliks"Battle in XVII c."
Mehoffer, Jozef"Portrait of Lieutenant Kazimierz Mlodzianowski"
"Portrait of Marshall Jozef Pilsudski"
Michalowski, Piotr"Battle betwen Polish hussars and Austrian infantry, The"
"Battle of Light Cavalrymen and a Study of a Horse"
"Battle of Somosierra"
"Battle of Somosierra"
"Blue Hussar"
"Blue Hussars"
"Blue Hussars (Austrian Dragoons)"
"Cavalry Officer on Horseback"
"Charge of the Polish Light Horse at Somosierra, The"
"Cracovian Man Armed with a Lance"
"Cuirassier on Horseback"
"Fight between French and Arabs"
"French Cuirassiers"
"General Dwernicki"
"Napoleon on Horseback"
"Napoleon on Horseback"
"Officer on Horseback"
"Parade in front of Napoleon"
"Reiter on Horseback"
"Soldier on Horseback"
"Soldiers in Cracovian Costume"
"Two Officers"
"Wounded Cuirassier"
Orlowski, Aleksander"Batalistic Scene"
"Battle between Georgians and Mountainers, The"
"Cossacks in a Bivouac"
"Eastern Commander"
"Eastern Rider"
"Eastern Warrior"
"Massacre of Praga"
"Polish Insurgents in the Forrest at Night"
"Prince Jozef Antoni Poniatowski"
"Reiter on Horseback"
"Soldier of the Kosciuszko's Army"
"Tatar on Horseback"
"Wounded Cuirassier"
Pawliszak, Waclaw"Cossacks Gift"
"Playing Dice"
"Winterscene with Soldiers"
Pekalski, Leonard"November Night, The"
Piasecki, Leszek"Battle"
"Liberation from the Turkish Siege 1683"
"Liberation of Vienna on 12 September 1683, The"
"Polish Dragoons"
"Soldier on Horseback"
Pillati, Henryk"Death of Berek Joselewicz in Kock"
"Kozietulski at the Battle of Somosierra"
Piotrowski, Antoni"Departure, The"
"January Insurgents` Patrol"
"Morning Patrol"
"Prince Alexander of Battenberg (1857–1893) in the Battle on the River Slivnitsa, 17.11.1885"
Piwnicki, Witold"Battle of Cecora, The"
Potrzebowski, Jerzy"Kmicic with Tatars"
Pruszkowski, Witold"Insurrection Scene"
Pulaski, Kazimierz"Hussars"
Raczynski, Aleksander"Zouave Fighting"
Rodakowski, Henryk"Portrait of General Henryk Dembinski"
Rosen, Jan"General Dabrowski"
"Hussars at a Well"
"Night Watch"
"Uhlans on Patrol"
Rozwadowski, Zygmunt"Adjutant"
"At the Blacksmith's"
"Hussar and a Girl"
"In Pursuit of Cossack"
"Napoleon's Chasseurs of the Guard"
"Napoleon's Soldier"
"On the Patrol"
"Soldier on Horseback"
"Uhlan on Horseback"
"Uhlans' Patrol in Front of a Cottage"
Rybkowski, Tadeusz"Leave-Taking"
"On the Road"
"Two Soldiers on a Sled"
Ryszkiewicz, Jozef"After the Battle"
"Polish Scythe-Men"
Sandoz, Adolf Karol"Wounded Drummer Boy in the Alps"
Setkowicz, Adam"Field Marshal Ernst Gideon von Laudon"
Smuglewicz, Franciszek"Battle of Warka 1656"
"Kosciuszko Taking the Oath at the Main Square in Cracow"
Sroka, Jacek"Van Gogh Militaire (4)"
Strzalecki, Wandalin"Knights in Front of a Cottage"
Styka, Jan"Thaddeus Kosciuszko and His Officers"
Suchodolski, January"Assault on Saragossa"
"Battle of Fuengirola"
"Battle of Fuengirola in 1810"
"Battle of Kircholm"
"Battle of Kircholm, The"
"Battle of San Domingo"
"Death of Cyprian Godebski in the battle of Raszyn, 1809"
"Death of Prince Jozef Poniatowski at Lipsk"
"General Chlopicki with Polish Army, 1831"
"General Jan Henryk Dabrowski entering Poznan"
"General Jan Henryk Dabrowski entering Rome"
"General Jan Henryk Dabrowski entering Rome"
"In a Forge"
"Napoleon and Prince Joseph Poniatowski at Lipsk"
"Partisans Fleeing"
"Polish Uhlans"
"Resting Uhlans"
"Retreat from Moscow, The"
"Retreat from Moscow in 1812, The"
"Siege of Ochakiv, 1788"
"Uhlan and Girl"
Szerner, Wladyslaw Karol"Attack"
Szerner, Wladyslaw"Chatting"
"Front Patrol"
"Polish Riders"
"Polish Riders"
Trzeszczkowski, Antoni"Charge of the Polish Hussars, The"
"Polish Hussars"
Tyl, Bronislaw"Rutki"
Unknown Painter, "Battle of Orsza, The"
"Battle of Orsza, The"
"Death of General Sowinski"
Waliszewski, Zygmunt"Battle"
"Knight on Horseback"
"Napoleon at the Battle of the Pyramids"
"Prince Joseph Poniatowski on Horseback"
Wasilewski, Czeslaw"Blizzard"
"Cavalry Charge, The"
"Patrol in Winter"
"Uhlans - Asking for Direction"
Wierusz-Kowalski, Alfred"Caucasian Patrol"
"Cherkes on Patrol"
"In the Mountains"
"Moroccan Riders"
"Uhlans Resting"
Wintorowski (Winterowski), Leonard"Battle of Sluck"
"Battle scene"
"Lichtenstein Dragoons on Patrol near Dunajov (the First Battle of Lemberg)"
"War 1920"
"War Episode"
Wisznicki, Mikolaj"Charge at Wolodarka"
Witkiewicz (Witkacy), Stanislaw Ignacy"Portrait of Stanislaw Czurylla"
Wodzinowski, Wincenty"Portrait of a Soldier"
Wolski, Stanislaw Pomian"Gypsy Woman"
Zygmuntowicz, Ignacy"Blizzard"
"Cavalry Charge, The"
"Patrol in Winter"
"Uhlans - Asking for Direction"
Zaleski, Marcin"Return of the Polish Army from Wierzbno"